Today’s Solutions: February 15, 2025

Pineapple leaves

3 amazing environmentally friendly leather alternatives

The global demand for leather takes a lot of cattle which are cruelly treated and contribute a great deal of greenhouse gasses. Not only that but the processes of tanning and crusting leather actually produce carcinogenic chemical runoff of dangerous heavy metals like chromium. These get into the Read More...

These compostable shoes are ma

These compostable shoes are made out of kombucha tea waste

As circularity is slowly making its way into the fashion industry, compostable materials are becoming more common for a growing number of designers looking to weave sustainability into their products. One of the latest such products is the result of a partnership between New York streetwear brand Read More...

These alternative leather bran

These alternative leather brands are sustainable and stylish

Top fashion brands like Stella McCartney and Adidas are introducing products made from fungus leather in 2021, but fungus isn’t the only alternative leather option out there. Today we share six prominent up and coming leathers sourced from plants, food waste, and food byproduct.  The first Read More...