Have you ever thrown away food that looked perfectly fine, just because the package said it was expired? As it turns out, a lot of people get confused by date labels on food packaging — and a big reason why is because expiration dates are not uniformly regulated in the U.S. To combat that, Read More...
When the food in your fridge is past the “best by” or “sell by” dates, what do you do with it? Toss it out? If you are like most Americans, you’re probably throwing it out for your own safety. According to a new study, the problem is that most people believe wrongly that food product Read More...
Yesterday we talked about the recipes you can prepare with the leftover foods you have that are nearing their expiration date. This time around, let's talk about the kinds of ingredients you can buy in bulk that will not only last you a long time but will also help you cut down on plastic waste Read More...