Today’s Solutions: October 14, 2024

Sweden to build reindeer bridg

Sweden to build reindeer bridges so the animals can safely cross highways

Sweden’s reindeer typically rely on lichens for food, which are buried beneath the snow. But in recent years, the animals have been increasingly struggling to feed themselves as a result of global warming. This is because warmer temperatures mean more rain instead of snow. When the air freezes, a Read More...

The largest wildlife bridge in

The largest wildlife bridge in America has just opened in San Antonio

In recent months, we’ve shared a couple of stories about highway crossings for wildlife in the US. The first came in October when it was announced that a giant wildlife bridge would be built in the Los Angeles area to help mountain lions and other native animals cross over the US 101 freeway. Read More...

Why countries around the world

Why countries around the world are building highway overpasses just for animals

Highways are disastrous for the environment. These wide, dangerous roadways can cut wildlife from the resources they need to thrive, causing them to make the perilous journey from one side to the other. Countless animals have become roadkill as a result, not to mention the many drivers who have Read More...