Today’s Solutions: May 05, 2024

Expressing gratitude in the workplace, even for the small things, is a big strategy for improving productivity and making employees feel appreciated and valued. Creating a grateful company culture can help beat burnout and keeps people excited about coming to work and succeeding as a team. This week, we share six strategies for cultivating gratitude at work.

  1. Give shoutouts! Ask team members to take a few moments at the beginning of weekly meetings to share what they appreciated and were impressed by in the office. It will help build connections across teams and highlight accomplishments and collaboration.
  2. Ask team members to toot their own horns. Having employees share short summaries of projects they are proud of or write up a summary of their biggest wins of the month helps workers develop autonomy and validate themselves for the hard work they do every day.
  3. Set and reward goals. Setting daily, weekly, or monthly goals help employees focus on the small victories within larger projects and remain focused. Rewarding goal accomplishment with small rewards, such as office bagels, reminds employees they are appreciated and cultivates gratitude for boxes checked off the to-do list.
  4. Highlight those who speak up and share ideas. Innovation comes from collaboration. Acknowledging creativity fosters more idea building from diverse sources.
  5. Recognize productivity hacks. If someone comes up with a great way to boost productivity, such as writing down a to-do list for the next morning before leaving the office, share the idea with the whole group and promote it!
  6. Thank those who resolve conflicts. Every workplace has roadblocks. Showing praise to those who come up with solutions to problems reduces workplace strife and demonstrates that the team can overcome any obstacle. 

Gratitude is a powerful tool for promoting a positive and productive workplace. It is a solution for keeping employees enthusiastic about collaborating with their team every day. Try out one of these strategies to promote gratitude in your office today!

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