Today’s Solutions: May 03, 2024


An Israeli startup created a

An Israeli startup created a ‘toy gun’ that treats wounds with nanofiber ‘skin’

What if treating burn wounds and surgical injuries was as simple as operating a water gun? Well, that might soon be the reality after an Israeli startup company invented a mechanical contraption shaped like a children’s toy that squirts a polymer material that mimics skin onto the burn or wound Read More...

Optimist View Header (home)

Satisfying the Ache for Home

Whole Community Approaches to Accommodation by Amelia Buckley Homelessness has been on the rise in many major cities including Los Angeles and San Francisco, where homelessness rose in the last year by 12 and 17 percent respectively.  But even for those who have a home, it’s often not that Read More...

Grow algae in a beautiful way

Grow algae in a beautiful way within your home with this micro-farm

There are a bunch of reasons why algae is amazing. First of all, algae is one of the most efficient carbon dioxide scrubbers in the air, “with 10 times greater CO2 fixation than terrestrial plants.” On top of that, adding algae to your diet can contribute to a rich, well-balanced nutritional Read More...

These mini villages teach kids

These mini villages teach kids the rules of the road

While a bike ride on city streets can be a blast for kids, for parents it can be a worrying affair watching their kids maneuver around cars and through traffic lights. Of course, the best way for kids to learn the rules of the road is through the first-hand experience, but if kids can get that Read More...

You can toss these shoes into

You can toss these shoes into the compost once they’re worn out

Look down at your feet. Your shoes might seem innocuous, but they contain lots of forms of plastic, and often leather, giving them their own sizeable carbon footprint. As all companies try to limit their plastic use, shoe manufacturers are trying to design new shoes with lower embedded Read More...

Concrete could be made cheaper

Concrete could be made cheaper, stronger, and greener using old glass

Although glass is thought of as being relatively eco-friendly because it's recyclable, the fact is that a lot of it doesn't get recycled – this is particularly true of small fragments, that are too fiddly to sort. Now, however, scientists are suggesting that glass waste could be used to make Read More...

Prosthetics have never been ch

Prosthetics have never been cheaper thanks to 3D printing

Making a very simple prosthetic arm can cost $1,000 for the materials alone. But that’s all starting to change thanks to new and improved 3D scanning and printing technology, which can shrink the cost to as little as $4. In Guatemala, where some families might earn $50 in a month, one hospital Read More...

This brand is making biodegrad

This brand is making biodegradable comforters from eucalyptus fibers

You probably don’t think a lot about bed-linen waste, but according to a recent survey, it accounts for 10-million tons of the textile waste that ends up in US landfills. The good news is New York homeware brand Buffy has launched a comforter that uses natural eucalyptus pulp for its case, Read More...

Cleaning and personal care pro

Cleaning and personal care products use lots of plastic. Here’s a solution

When you stop to think about it, much of the cleaning products or personal care products that we’re shipping around the world is water with ingredients mixed in to clean, moisturize, or do whatever you need. Now imagine if we could remove the water and only ship the additive. It could come in Read More...

Can electronics be made natura

Can electronics be made naturally? These fungus-based headphones tell us yes

The culture of planned obsolescence in electronics produces a huge amount of toxic waste unlikely to go anywhere but a landfill for the next millennium or so. Nature produces some of the strongest and most versatile substances we’ve ever encountered, so why not use them instead? That’s what Read More...