Today’s Solutions: May 02, 2024


This Indian city is using the

This Indian city is using the newest technology to reinvent the modern city

The Indian state of Andhra Pradesh plans to revolutionize the concept of what the modern city will look like. The local government is completely redesigning its capital to include large shaded walkways to encourage people to walk more, plentiful green spaces, widespread use of renewable energy, and Read More...

Could termites teach us how to

Could termites teach us how to save the world?

After being neck deep in oil for nearly a decade, it made perfect sense that the writer Lisa Margonelli would become obsessed with termites. Termites offered an escape from the depressing and seemingly intractable politics that stop us from breaking our addiction to Read More...

Designers created a shipping c

Designers created a shipping container that mimics clouds to create clean water

In 2016, the competition asked designers to build a device that could extract at least 2,000 liters of water a day from the atmosphere, use clean energy, and cost no more than 2¢ a liter. From the competition came a shipping container that can use clean energy to extract clean waters out of thin Read More...

Dandelion seeds fly using ‘i

Dandelion seeds fly using ‘impossible’ method never before seen in nature

Dandelion seeds fly using a method that researchers thought couldn’t work in the real world, according to a study published in Nature. When some animals, aeroplanes or seeds fly, rings of circulating air called vortices form in contact with their wings or wing-like Read More...

No more distraction: these gla

No more distraction: these glasses block all the screens around you

In many public places, it’s hard to avoid distracting screens. News and commercials keep streaming at you—even if you don’t want to watch. These glasses help. A special film turns screens black while you keep seeing everything else around Read More...

Is this finally the beginning

Is this finally the beginning of the end for the password?

Passwords are under attack in a war on multiple fronts. Just today, Microsoft announced the rollout of password-free login using its Microsoft Authenticator app while the digital security company Yubikey announced a new version of its USB security keys that forgo the need for passwords Read More...

How to design bike lanes fit f

How to design bike lanes fit for the 21st century

City streets and pavements in the United States have been engineered for decades to keep vehicle occupants and pedestrians safe. If streets include trees at all, they might be planted in small pavement pits, where, if constrained and with little water, they live only three to 10 years on Read More...

According to IKEA, autonomous

According to IKEA, autonomous vehicles will look like living rooms on wheels

From IKEA’s point of view, the inside of a self-driving vehicle shouldn’t mirror that of a regular car, but rather it should be a small space that we can have experiences in. Instead of sleek self-driving cars, IKEA wants autonomous vehicles that look like bright-colored living rooms on wheels. Read More...

New bike path in the Netherlan

New bike path in the Netherlands shows roads can be made using recycled plastic

A Dutch city by the name of Zwolle has created a bike path made almost entirely out of recycled plastic. Although the road looks like red asphalt, the path path makes use of plastic that typically has little value, like old plastic bottles and beer cups from festivals. The design also makes use of Read More...

Someone finally created an acc

Someone finally created an accurate map of the world

Most maps of the world depict Greenland as a behemoth piece of land that’s comparable in size to Africa when, in reality, the African continent is 14 times the size of Greenland. This happens because creating a precise flat map of our spherical planet is incredibly hard. The maps we often Read More...