Today’s Solutions: May 04, 2024


Transitioning to a world powered by renewable energy is key to tackling climate change. Here you can find the latest good news related to our clean energy transition, covering wind, solar, green hydrogen, hydropower, and more.

Researchers scale clean hydrog

Researchers scale clean hydrogen production with genetically-modified algae

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have genetically modified algae in a way that could enable it to be used to mass-produce hydrogen on an industrial scale, which is big news, considering 90 percent of hydrogen produced in the U.S currently comes from fossil fuels. Natural algae can produce small Read More...

Israel to boost solar energy p

Israel to boost solar energy production

Following a two-year freeze on any new solar energy development, the Public Utility Authority said Monday it will issue more than 1,000 megawatts of fresh quotas.The new power is being authorized to ensure that Israel achieves its goals of making 10% of the country’s electricity supply Read More...

Half of Scotland’s energy co

Half of Scotland’s energy could be produced by renewables

Half of all the energy used in Scotland could be produced by renewable technology in less than 15 years, according to a new report. It painted a picture of a country that exports vast amounts of electricity to the rest of the UK by producing 40 per cent more than it needs, where half of the buses Read More...

The future belongs to clean en

The future belongs to clean energy

As we close out a summer marked by uncertainty in news and events, one trend for which analysts voice increasing certainty is the accelerating pace of the clean-energy transformation reshaping how the world generates electricity. With increasing speed, global energy markets are turning away from Read More...

New ‘smart textiles̵

New 'smart textiles' can produce and store solar energy

Why lug around a portable battery pack when you could generate that power with your own clothing? That's the idea behind new "smart" fibers that can be tailored and woven like cotton — but also produce and store solar energy, like tiny clean power plants. The early-stage textile device could Read More...

No red and blue divide when it

No red and blue divide when it comes to renewable energy innovation and CO2 rules

Regular readers may recall my 2013 post describing how “energy agreement” is often “hidden by climate disputes” — drawing on data from a sustained survey by the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication and George Mason University Center for Read More...

Nuclear power rapidly losing r

Nuclear power rapidly losing race with renewable energy

By Sun Day Campaign Two new reports from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) confirm that nuclear power is rapidly losing the race with renewable energy sources. EIA's latest "Monthly Energy Review" notes that during the first six Read More...

Grid alternatives support low-

Grid alternatives support low-income access to solar energy

In a press announcement, GRID Alternatives Colorado, an affiliate of the nation’s largest nonprofit solar installer, today announced its support for a comprehensive utility settlement being considered by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) this week to address significant state Read More...

Solar energy is helping to red

Solar energy is helping to reduce poverty in Bangladesh

Powering a three-room house with a diesel generator costs around $38 a month in Bangladesh, but thanks to new solar equipment, people in Bangladesh can have clean electricity for only $17 a month via a pay-as-you-go program. In rural Bangladesh, those savings can make a big difference in life Read More...

Solar electricity production o

Solar electricity production outperforms coal in U.K. for six months in a row

Solar energy is now king in the U.K. In a new report, climate change analysts found more electricity came from the sun than coal from April to the end of September. Of course, the trend will not continue as winter approaches, but the trend shows a clear depiction for the future of these energy Read More...