Today’s Solutions: May 05, 2024


Need some good news about the environment? The Optimist Daily is your go-to herald of positive environmental news, highlighting eco-friendly solutions and scientific progress around climate action, circularity, conservation, and more. Learn about everything eco in our Environment section.

Meet the woman racing to save

Meet the woman racing to save the planet

Leilani Münter has a motto: never underestimate a vegan hippy chick with a racing car. She is a fierce environmental activist – who earns a living in one of the most gas-guzzling industries on the planet. But the 42-year-old, a Nascar racing driver, insists she isn’t the walking Read More...

We are in ecological overshoot

We are in ecological overshoot. Industrial strategy can provide a way out

On 8 August 2016, the world slipped into “ecological overshoot” – having consumed more resources and produced more waste than nature can replace and absorb in the year. We hit this landmark earlier and earlier every year, and a big part of that – 60% – involves the Read More...

How technology is sparing the

How technology is sparing the environment in Africa from poaching and deforestation

If a man or woman were to witness an incident of poaching in Africa years ago, they would feel powerless not being able to do something. Now if it happens, any witness can call authorities and help the situation. That’s what smartphones are doing in many of Africa’s countries. They’re Read More...

The plan that will make use of

The plan that will make use of Alberta's abandoned oil wells

The continuously falling price of oil has left thousands of oil wells abandoned in Alberta, but a new proposal may have found a way to make use of those wells again. The Living Energy Project wants to use the waste heat produced from the idle facilities to allow crops to grow, even in Canada’s Read More...

Pressure mounts on retailers t

Pressure mounts on retailers to reform throwaway clothing culture

Fast-growing, fast-fashion retailer H&M, which has more than 4,000 stores in 62 countries, sold $24.5bn worth of T-shirts, pants, jackets, and dresses last year. It also took 12,000 tons of clothes back. In a glossy, celebrity-studded video, H&M says: “There are no rules in fashion Read More...

Killing weeds with light beams

Killing weeds with light beams, not pesticides

At The Optimist Daily we are convinced that organic agriculture can feed the world in a healthy way. But on the way to that ultimate goal we may need some help from technology. Here’s an example: The U.S. Air Force is experimenting with a device that removes weeds without the use of toxic Read More...

This eco-friendly fire could b

This eco-friendly fire could be the solution to oil spills

Disclaimer: What you are about to read may leaved you flabbergasted. Scientists at the University of Maryland have discovered a new state of burning that is nearly soot-free, and they believe it may be the solution for cleaning up oil spills. This new type of fire evaporates oil from the surface of Read More...

Gabon launches elephant fences

Gabon launches elephant fences in pioneering conservation move

The President of Gabon, one of the founding members of the Giants Club conservation initiative, today demonstrated his commitment to his people and conservationists globally by officially launching the first elephant fence in Gabon.   Human elephant conflict is a daily reality across Read More...

This project is helping women

This project is helping women support their families while curbing deforestation in Zambia

What’s driving deforestation in Zambia is the same thing that is creating one of the country’s biggest health hazards: charcoal. So to help address both issues in one go, a group of volunteers is empowering women in Zambia with clean wood chip stoves which they can sell in their local Read More...

New cargo ships combine the ol

New cargo ships combine the old with the new for carbon-free shipping

You know what was best about old-school cargo ships? With their masts and sails, they were the original carbon-neutral ships. Now we’re seeing a resurgence of these classics as cargo ships are combining centuries old technology like masts with modern inventions like solar panels and battery Read More...