Today’s Solutions: May 17, 2024


Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.

New research suggests gut micr

New research suggests gut microbiome plays a role in bipolar disorder

Scientists are taking a closer look at how microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal system impact mental health. A new study suggests that bacteria in the gut microbiome is linked to bipolar disorder. The research, published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, suggests that the microbial Read More...

Heal: The science-backed docum

Heal: The science-backed documentary that reveals how the body can heal itself

The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe, and there’s a new documentary coming out to prove it. The documentary, Heal, is an Read More...

Scientists want you to give th

Scientists want you to give them money to study psychedelics

No three strung-together letters in the English language are more loaded than L-S-D. Say them out loud to elicit images of strung out hippies waving their hands around and making things out of flowers, or of an innocent youth’s mind snapping under the weight of acid. Or just really bad art. Read More...

Harvard neuroscientist: Medita

Harvard neuroscientist: Meditation reduces stress and changes your brain

Meditation, in its most basic sense, is clearing your mind of all thought—or at least, trying to. The practice is used in cultures around the globe for both religious and secular purposes. While it may be best known for its spiritual uses, it is this latter purpose that has recently ignited a Read More...

A neuroscientist found the fou

A neuroscientist found the fountain of youth in the brain of 93-year-old athlete

The typical human brain shrinks over time, losing its ability to remember as well as other cognitive functions. But the brain doesn’t have to age this way. In fact, it's completely possible for a person to maintain a youthful mind well into their 90s. If you want proof, look at the story of Olga Read More...

Study with mice shows that can

Study with mice shows that cannabis may reverse dementia

A new study with mice shows that THC, one of the active ingredients in marijuana, was able to improve the brains of elderly mice to the level that their brains resembled those of rodents who were only two months old. THC is the substance that causes people to get “high”. However, the amount Read More...

Vitamin D supports probiotics

Vitamin D supports probiotics repopulating the gut with friendly bacteria

A high fat diet alone cannot trigger a metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Researchers of a new study published in Physiology said that vitamin D deficiency is needed for this syndrome to progress. Authors reached this Read More...

The healing force of construct

The healing force of constructive agression

From The Intelligent Optimist Winter 2017 Heal yourself in 12 empowering steps with Ruediger Dalhke’s transformative medicine.  By Carol Greenhouse A formidable paradox lies at the heart of Western medicine. While modern health care is designed to bring about resurrection, its primary means is Read More...

Possibility: Scalpel, sutures,

Possibility: Scalpel, sutures, herbes de Provence

From The Intelligent Optimist Summer 2016 Students at the Tulane University School of Medicine are being trained to look not only to Big Pharma for med-ical solutions, but also to the farmers’ market. The Goldring Center for Culinary Medicine at the New Orleans university is the first culinary Read More...

Possibility: From MAD to crazy

Possibility: From MAD to crazy delicious

From The Intelligent Optimist Summer 2016 Roy Choi created his unique culinary brand, exemplified by his Korean-Mexican taco establishment Kogi BBQ, by blending parts of Los Angeles that don’t typically intermingle: organic and liquor store ingredients, street food and West L.A. sleek, immigrant Read More...