Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


From tackling marine plastic pollution to coral reef restoration, learn about humanity’s latest efforts to protect ocean habitats and marine wildlife.

child in yellow rain coat holds sign reading: THERE'S NO PLANET B

High-schooler presents first student-written bill for UK climate education

Youth climate activist Scarlett Westbrook decided that she was fed up with the lack of formal education UK students receive on the devastating climate crisis. At one point during a geography exam, she was even asked to list the benefits of climate change — and while this was disappointing, she Read More...

Young loggerhead turtle swimming in crustal clear waters

How sea turtles are helping protect people from cyclones

Tropical cyclones are a recurrent phenomenon on the islands of the southwest Indian Ocean, such as Madagascar, where people expect to be affected by an average of 1.5 cyclones a year. Unfortunately, the most inhabited area are the ones most exposed to these devastating air masses. Predicting Read More...

Tel-Aviv at sunset with purple sky

Tel-Aviv could soon follow Amsterdam in adopting Doughnut Economics

In April 2020, we wrote about Amsterdam’s decision to implement a new economic model that seeks to meet the core needs of all humanity within the means of the planet. Now, a forum dedicated to advancing the adoption of this concept across the world was launched in Israel last week. The concept Read More...

Marimo ball inside a glass container filled with water

This bio-rover is essentially driven by a marimo ball

What is marimo? Marimo is arguably one of nature’s most bizarre creations. Commonly known as algae balls or moss balls, these algae bundles are typically found on lake floors in Japan and Northern Europe. Their fuzzy spherical shape is the result of gentle currents rolling the algae over and Read More...

Diver above a pristine coral reef, newly discovered off the coast of Tahiti.

Coral reef untouched by climate change discovered off Tahiti’s coast

There’s been a miraculous discovery made in the depths of the South Pacific Ocean—a rare stretch of pristine corals off the coast of Tahiti that appears to be unscathed by climate change or human activities. The coral reef was first discovered by Laetitia Hédouin from France’s National Read More...

Photograph of Amanda Lynch, chair of the WMO board wearing a white shirt and black suit.

World Meteorological Organization welcomes new leader

Amanda Lynch has been appointed to chair the board of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This United Nations agency has four main focuses: weather, climate, water, and environment. They research many aspects of the Earth’s behavior to provide vital information to the organization's 193 Read More...

Animation of Ocean Battery energy storage system

Ocean Battery could help solve the renewable energy storage problem

The lack of adequate energy storage systems is one of the biggest problems associated with the rise of renewables such as wind and solar in recent years. In an effort to provide a solution, a Dutch startup has invented the Ocean Battery — an energy storage system that operates by the same Read More...

floating homes in the Netherlands

Floating communities can help us rise to the challenge of climate change

It’s no secret—climate change is already upon us, and we have no choice but to adapt to it if we want to survive. While some regions of the world combat increasingly dangerous wildfires or droughts, other places, like the Netherlands, must learn to live with worsening floods while dealing with Read More...

Here are 8 eco-friendly option

Here are 8 eco-friendly options for your New Year’s Resolutions

If you’re still struggling to figure out what to set as your resolution for the New Year, it may be worth considering a resolution that includes the wellbeing of the environment! In the past 50 years, humanity has more than doubled the consumption of natural resources, which will have (and Read More...

Single pearl in mollusk shell.

The secret symmetry of pearls revealed

Pearls are created when an irritant, such as a grain of sand or debris, gets trapped inside a mollusk. As protection, a smooth layer of mineral and protein called nacre forms around it. Humans have been fascinated by these iridescent beauties since we first discovered them thousands of years ago. Read More...