Today’s Solutions: May 05, 2024

Social Justice

Read about the newest efforts to overthrow systemic inequalities and address injustices in terms of wealth, opportunities, and privileges to make the world a better place.

Free education takes Congolese

Free education takes Congolese kids out of mines and into the classroom

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF, six million children (approximately one in four) were not attending school in 2018. To address this, the following year, the Democratic Republic of Congo became one of the last countries in the world to finally introduce free primary Read More...

This nonprofit elevates minori

This nonprofit elevates minority neighborhoods by investing in youth

North of Delmar Boulevard in the city of St. Louis are communities that are suffering from generations of racist housing policies and failed real estate markets. This leaves the majority Black and brown neighborhoods full of vacant homes and buildings with no access to key services or community Read More...

This online platform continues

This online platform continues to raise Afghan women's voices

The Afghan media industry is very much a male-dominated space (like many countries' media industries), even after years of development and progress. Zahra Joya, a 28-year-old journalist from the persecuted Hazara community often found that she was the sole woman in her professional sphere and would Read More...

Community input stretches the

Community input stretches the impact of Covid relief dollars

As $350 billion in Covid-19 relief funds make their way to cities and states, many are pondering the most impactful way to spend that money. Some, like Nashville, are putting towards affordable housing while others look at infrastructure or making up for lost tax revenue during the pandemic. To Read More...

This river revitalization plan

This river revitalization plan prioritizes underprivileged communities in LA

Urban green spaces have historically been more accessible to privileged communities within cities. However, there has been a surge in awareness and activism that calls cities to address the inequity in access to these spaces, as clean air and access to nature is a human right, not only to be Read More...

Priyanka Baira leads the movem

Priyanka Baira leads the movement to end child marriage in India

The Covid-19 crisis put many people at risk. Whether that risk is related to mental or physical health, financial stability, or, for young girls in India, the risk of being forced into marriage and never obtaining a proper education. According to Childline India, there was a 17 percent increase Read More...

US to return Gilgamesh tablet

US to return Gilgamesh tablet and 17,000 other looted artifacts to Iraq

During a period of unrest in Iraq in 2003, looters stole tens of thousands of ancient artifacts that were later smuggled out of the country, including the 3,500-year-old Gilgamesh Dream Tablet, a rare portion of the Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient Mesopotamian epic poem, known as the earliest Read More...

New York is the sixth state to

New York is the sixth state to ban child marriage

Just over a week ago, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that officially raises the legal age of marriage consent to 18 and makes New York the sixth state to ban child marriage. “This administration fought hard to successfully end child marriage in New York and I’m proud to sign this Read More...

Largest private US employer co

Largest private US employer commits to covering employees' tuition fees

There’s never been a better time to be a student with a part-time job at Walmart. Walmart, the largest private employer in the US, has pledged to help its associates obtain post-secondary education without the stress of student loan debt through its Live Better U education program. If you are Read More...

“Catch-up” centers

"Catch-up" centers overcome cultural barriers to educate women

Janet Ekura is an education facilitator at a “catch-up” center in the village of Atan in Isiolo County, Kenya. The catch-up centers are part of an Education for Life initiative designed to empower underprivileged children, and especially girls, in the region. Underaged girls are often Read More...