Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


Great minds lead to great solutions. Our education section features solutions and innovations directed at strengthening educational systems around the world.

Mind-controlled movie: a quant

Mind-controlled movie: a quantum leap for cinema?

Watching a movie has traditionally been a largely passive experience. But what if the person watching could influence what happens on-screen via their brainwaves? An experimental short-film called 'Scanners' aims to create a platform that bridges the gap between digital arts and neuroscience. Using Read More...

Homeschooling has been getting

Homeschooling has been getting more and more popular

More parents than ever before are choosing to homeschool their children.Recent data from the U.S. Department of Education shows explosive growth in homeschooling among American families. In the U.S., the movement has grown by 62 percent in the last decade. Homeschooled students now represent about Read More...

Online learning through MOOC&#

Online learning through MOOC's big hit in India

College students and recent graduates in India are increasingly participating in online courses to enhance their knowledge. Indian enrollments currently already account for about 8 percent of worldwide activity in Coursera and 12 percent in edX, the two leading platforms for massive open online Read More...

Emotional awareness training f

Emotional awareness training for teens in prison helps reduce future crimes

A group of researchers at Cardiff University's School of Psychology wondered if they could help teenagers in prison—who committed offenses multiple times—by setting them out on a more positive path in life. They believed that some of these youth may have difficulties perceiving emotions as a Read More...

Guinea pigs in the classroom h

Guinea pigs in the classroom help autistic children cope with stress

The classroom can be a stressful place for children with autism spectrum disorders. Researchers found that a little furry animal can relief some of that stress. Recent studies show that when these kids are playing with guinea pigs at school, they are more eager to attend, display more interactive Read More...

Teaching meditation to kids in

Teaching meditation to kids in Chicago swiftly reduced crime and dropout rates

A simple, cost-effective after-school program for Chicago high-schoolers focusing on slowing down their decision-making process significantly lowered crime and dropout rates for participants and boosted school attendance, according to a study published by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Read More...

Putting learning before grades

Putting learning before grades to prevent cheating among students

Cheating is endemic among students, and is sometimes rampant even among teachers. Two decades of research show that this behavior is very dependent on goals. Short-term extrinsic goals such as getting good grades to avoid punishment or to obtain a reward provide a breeding ground for cheating. Read More...

Indian game developer wants to

Indian game developer wants to help kids fall in love with math

Education games are taking off in India, providing teachers and students with cheap, effective tools to support, and in some cases accelerate, the learning curve. One example is startup Logic Roots. It just raised $400,000 from investors for its math app Mathaly, which is currently designed for Read More...

UK government considers introd

UK government considers introducing mindfulness practice in schools

Teaching meditation in schools could have far-reaching impact on society. Imagine children entering the world more balanced and with a deeper sense of purpose. Brazil is implementing a big transcendental meditation program in public schools. And now the UK government is talking about introducing a Read More...

Sierra Leone classes are taugh

Sierra Leone classes are taught through the radio

Sierra Leone’s schools have been closed since Ebola first hit the country last summer, but that doesn’t mean the lessons have stopped. Last October the country partnered with UNICEF to provide school lessons through the radio, and the program has done impressively well. About 500,000 of the Read More...