Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024

Climate Action

What is Climate Action? Climate Action is humanity's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance our planet's resilience against climate change. From adaptation to mitigation, at The Optimist Daily you will learn about the most recent positive news stories and solutions targeting climate change and other environmental issues.

Arabidopsis thaliana

This “extreme” plant could be the beginning of climate-resistant crops

We tend to think of crops as delicate and temperamental, that they require a lot of care and particular conditions to grow in. While this is certainly true for, say, avocados, which require incredible amounts of water naturally found in tropical rainforests, some crops evolved to live and thrive in Read More...

Birdsnest sps colorful coral - Seriatopora sp. (pocilloporidae)

If we want to save coral reefs, nations must collaborate to protect them

If left unchecked, the effects of climate change and pollution could erode around 70 to 90 percent of coral reef habitats. In response to this alarming news about how vulnerable these crucial marine habitats are, researchers around the world have focused a lot of their energy on coming up with Read More...

Oceanix Busan will be a first-of-its-kind floating development in South Korea

This floating neighborhood will protect residents from sea level rise

As urban population density is only expected to increase in the next few decades, coastal cities vulnerable to rising sea levels need to urgently adapt to these changes to safeguard the wellbeing of their residents. That’s exactly what the South Korean city of Busan is planning with the Read More...

Wind energy

Last month, wind and solar made up 18 percent of US energy

With the War in Ukraine and unfair demands from Russia for its gas, many western nations are feeling the need to switch to renewable energy now more so than ever. The good news is that nations are getting closer to 100 percent renewables and energy independence every day.  Wind and solar have Read More...

Green sprout of a young branch of a Bush of hazel illuminated by the sun with a visible spectrum of light The concept of plant photosynthesis.

This ancient enzyme can boost photosynthesis and crop yield

Photosynthesis - turning carbon dioxide, water, and light into oxygen and sugars - is the natural process by which plants sustain themselves. It's what has allowed life to flourish on this earth by transforming the atmosphere into an oxygen-rich environment. Besides pumping out oxygen, these Read More...

Washington skyline

Washington State passes all-electric heating mandate for new buildings

Washington passed a mandate requiring all newly constructed buildings to have all-electric heating, making it the first state in the US to do so.  The mandate restricting the use of natural gas in multifamily housing complexes and commercial buildings by requiring the installation of electric Read More...

Indigenous man in tropical forest looking towards the sky

This group helps Indigenous people protect the world's tropical forests

Looking after more than 80 percent of the planet’s biodiversity, Indigenous peoples are the world’s most knowledgeable and effective conservationists. Despite growing scientific evidence that they know better than others how to protect our natural heritage, their land and forest rights are Read More...

close up of ocean plastic pollution

Captain Fanplastic teaches young pirates about plastic pollution 

“Why do you think pirates are called pirates? Because they ‘aRRRRRe!’” This is the joke that forms the basis of the “Captain Fanplastic” initiative—a primary school program aimed at teaching young children in South Africa and the Netherlands about plastic waste and the “R’s” Read More...

Assembly of giant wind turbine in Utah

Wind turbine components to be 3D printed on-site soon

When it comes to the design of wind turbines, the bigger they are, the better — at least in terms of cost savings and energy efficiency. However, one of the hurdles of building larger wind turbines is the challenging task of transporting these giant pieces of machinery to the site of Read More...

Farm to table

The Table to Farm Movement: Anthony Myint on Regenerative Agriculture

Shifting the world’s food production to a regenerative system has been a frequent solution we’ve written about here at The Optimist Daily. In May 2021, Kristy and Summers sat down with award-winning chef Anthony Myint to discuss Zero Foodprint, his project to expand regenerative Read More...