Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


Need some good news about the environment? The Optimist Daily is your go-to herald of positive environmental news, highlighting eco-friendly solutions and scientific progress around climate action, circularity, conservation, and more. Learn about everything eco in our Environment section.

This is why the environment ne

This is why the environment needs the support of blockchain technology

The blockchain technology that underpins the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is completely secure. No central authority controls the blockchain, and every transaction made is logged in a transparent matter. Considering that many modes of governance work in secrecy and are prone to corruption, the Read More...

Beyond organic: How regenerati

Beyond organic: How regenerative farming can save us from global catastrophe

A growing corps of organic, climate, environmental, social justice and peace activists are promoting a new world-changing paradigm that can potentially save us from global catastrophe. The name of this new paradigm and movement is regenerative agriculture, or more precisely regenerative food, Read More...

Algae based omega-3 supplement

Algae based omega-3 supplements are healthy for people and for the environment

Omega-3 supplements have been proven to support heart and brain health and to reduce inflammation. That’s why millions of people take these fish oil pills on a daily basis. The unhealthy side-effect is devastating overfishing of fish species like menhaden, which are crucial to the aquatic Read More...

Trump’s Paris pullout is

Trump's Paris pullout is more damaging to the US than the climate

Will Donald Trump’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate change agreement tip the world into fiery catastrophe? The extraordinary unity of the rest of the world’s nations in tackling global warming, allied with the booming green economy, driven by plummeting renewable energy costs, Read More...

Made from polluting algae: The

Made from polluting algae: These shoes clean lakes

If you buy these shoes, you are helping clean up a poisoned Chinese lake. The shoes are made from algae that started polluting the lake a decade ago depriving two million people of safe drinking water. Now the algae is harvested from the lake and turned into a flexible, rubbery material that is Read More...

Whisky company is bringing oys

Whisky company is bringing oysters back to the Scottish Highlands

The next time you have a whisky you may contribute to restoring oyster stocks in Scotland. Oysters were abundant in the northeast of Scotland 10,000 years ago. But overfishing almost wiped out the oysters in the late 19th century. This month a project led by the Glenmorangie Distillery, a Read More...

Put your coffee in your tank:

Put your coffee in your tank: Turning coffee grounds into biofuel

Coffee is one of the most wasteful consumer products. Few people realize that harvesting, processing, roasting and brewing coffee discards an estimated 99.7 percent of the biomass, only 0.2 percent is used to make you enjoy your cup of coffee. Millions of tons of agricultural waste are left to rot, Read More...

This machine sucks CO2 out of

This machine sucks CO2 out of the air to save us from climate change

Sitting on top of a waste incineration facility near Zurich, a new carbon capture plant is now sucking CO2 out of the air to sell to its first customer. The plant, which opened on May 31, is the first commercial enterprise of its kind. By midcentury, the startup behind it–Climeworks–believes we Read More...

Amazon rainforest may be more

Amazon rainforest may be more resilient to deforestation than previously thought

The Amazon forest stores about half of the global tropical forest carbon and accounts for about a quarter of carbon absorption from the atmosphere by global forests each year. As a result, large losses of Amazonian forest cover could make global climate change worse. In the past, researchers have Read More...

A Himalayan answer to climate

A Himalayan answer to climate change, water shortage and glacial flooding

The impact of climate change on glaciers has been well documented. From Alaska to Europe, Antarctica to Siberia, glaciers are in recession the world over. Forty-six gigatons of ice from Alaskan glaciers was lost on average for each year from 2003 to 2010, according to Nasa, while those in Asia are Read More...