Today’s Solutions: May 03, 2024


Gas pump nozzle with gasoline or biofuel drop and growing green sprout symbolizing environmental friendliness, isolated. Ecological biofuel concept. 3D illustration

Bacteria-based biofuel offers higher energy density than jet fuel

At a time when the need to replace fossil fuels is urgent, it is amazing to see the results of human innovation and creativity to meet the challenge. Researchers at Berkeley Lab are working on a new producer of biofuel that produces a material that boasts an energy density far higher than jet Read More...

Focused nerdy smart student in glasses and headphones working hard on research study project in library

The benefits of "deep work" and how you can practice it

In today’s busy world, it can be difficult to decide which of the things on your to-do list (which somehow all feel urgent) to get done first. This leads many of us to try to do more than one thing at a time, which tends to result in feeling overwhelmed, scattered, and burnt out. If you can Read More...

Attractive woman in red dress dancing on the beach with sun glasses on.

4 simple ways to feel at your absolute best this summer

The sunshine of summer is enough to make you feel better than you usually do throughout the year. But with a few changes to your daily habits, you can feel at your absolute best throughout the summer. Without further ado, here are four simple ways to optimize your health during the hottest months Read More...

Single-use plastic

India bans single-use plastics

India experiences worse-than-average plastic pollution with single-use plastic water bottles and containers finding their way into streets and important waterways.  To rein in this pollution, the Indian government announced from the capital of New Delhi on Friday that it will be imposing a ban Read More...

Plastic sugar

This plastic alternative breaks down into sugar

While banning plastics is an important measure for curbing pollution, replacing plastics as a practical consumer material is important.  Researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne have developed a plant-based alternative for plastics that decompose into Read More...


New implant cools nerves and cuts pain, reducing opioid need

In response to the ongoing opioid epidemic, medical researchers are developing viable alternatives to pain management. While opioids have proven effective at managing pain, they come with a dangerous risk of addiction. Doctors and researchers are seeking medical alternatives to reducing pain, Read More...

Beautiful turquoise lake in the Swiss Alps

Switzerland built a huge water battery to store surplus energy

Switzerland is famous for hosting a number of scientific and engineering marvels, such as the Large Hadron Collider. Now, engineers in Switzerland have achieved an incredible feat — building the world’s largest water battery. Located in the Swiss Alps, in a subterranean cavern in the Canton of Read More...

Humpback whales

Humpback whales share songs from different regions

Humans aren’t the only species that trade music and songs. Other intelligent animals can communicate complicated messages, like ravens and ants relaying to each other that there’s food or danger and where to find it. As it turns out, though, some species can also communicate, and share like Read More...

Closeup of bees on honeycomb.

These microbes could help honey bees thrive

As we like to remind our readers a lot at The Optimist Daily, honeybees are essential for our planet's ecosystem. Humans rely on these little pollinators for food security as they basically pollinate everything! Not to mention the countless other species that rely on plants to feed and for Read More...


How to keep your garden snake-free

We decided to dust off this older story which offers some great solutions.  In many parts of the world, the summer is also snake season, and now is the time to be wary. There are plenty of different kinds of snakes. Some are harmless and actually help out their hosts by providing free pest Read More...