Today’s Solutions: May 16, 2024

Nutrition & Wellness

From learning about the health benefits of turmeric to staying up-to-date with the latest superfood trends, discover the best diet tips to improve your health.

Dutch designers turn food wast

Dutch designers turn food waste into (fruit) leather

This fruit leather isn't meant to be packed in lunch bags. It's meant to be the lunch bag. Food waste is a very serious issue, and while some of that waste can be reduced before it gets to the point of being tossed, there's still bound to be a certain amount of spoiled fruit and vegetables that Read More...

Power of plants: Documentary w

Power of plants: Documentary will launch plant-based nutrition campaign

The Campbells, father and son, call it the most important health breakthrough of all time. But it’s no magic bullet or amazing new technology. And yet the science is crystal clear: Whole fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and grains have healing powers and serve as the world’s best Read More...

Hankering for cheese? Still st

Hankering for cheese? Still stuck on steak? Time for a little vegan support.

When you’re trying to eliminate milk and dairy from your diet to become a vegan, the usual metaphor for quitting becomes problematic, to say the least. “Cold Tofurky,” says Jane Velez-Mitchell, gently correcting a reporter’s misstep. Cold Tofurky isn’t easy. Read More...

Eating organic affects pestici

Eating organic affects pesticide levels in our bodies: The evidence is in our pee

Next time when you hear someone saying that eating organic doesn't make a difference, you could share this news: if you eat non-organic goods, you are eating pesticides. The evidence is in your pee. It's been proven before, for example in this study, but now the Swedish Environmental Research Read More...

This New High-Protein Superfoo

This New High-Protein Superfood Can Help You Get Fit

When you picture a frog in the water, images of its tiny head peeking through pond weed likely come to mind. Well, believe it or not, that green stuff floating on the water’s surface is the newest vegan protein to hit the health food scene—and experts are claiming it’s superior to Read More...

Ocean holds the key to superio

Ocean holds the key to superior nutrition and sustainability

Although 97 percent of the earth's surface water is made up of oceans, humans use only a small percentage of the sea for food. Instead most people, especially those in Western cultures, rely heavily on land-based agriculture for food that result in deforestation, soil degradation, greenhouse gases, Read More...

With ‘garbage gardening,’

With ‘garbage gardening,’ recycling kitchen scraps into plants

‘Garbage gardening’’ is an easy and inexpensive way to grow flowers and edibles using kitchen scraps — the pits, seeds and roots that otherwise would be headed to a landfill. It’s a fun way to recycle. Educational for the kids, too. ‘‘Almost every Read More...

Study: Pesticides cause male i

Study: Pesticides cause male infertility, the case for organic food and cosmetics

Male fertility is declining, and for years researchers have been trying to figure out why. The numbers are shocking, but between 60-80 million couples around the world are having a difficult time conceiving. A new study points to a likely culprit: Pesticides. Dangerous chemicals are responsible for Read More...

The grow-your-own-food revolut

The grow-your-own-food revolution is in full swing

From back garden vegetable patches and allotments with decades-long waiting lists to urban rooftop "farms" and vertical kitchen gardens, the grow-your-own revolution is in full swing. Anyone who has tilled the soil will appreciate the diligence and ingenuity of the head gardeners of yore who turned Read More...

UN report: Cutting food waste

UN report: Cutting food waste by a quarter would mean enough for everyone

One of the greatest ironies of the modern world is that in some parts people go to bed hungry every day, while in other parts food is being thrown away. The United Nations has now calculated that if the amount of food wasted were reduced by just 25 percent there would be enough food to feed Read More...