Today’s Solutions: May 11, 2024


Finding good health news amidst a pandemic can be quite daunting. That’s not the case with The Optimist Daily, where positive news is in high supply. Our Health section covers the latest good news from the health sector, featuring solutions ranging from mental and physical health to immunity, nutrition, and cutting edge medical research.

Unplug, while you plug in

Unplug, while you plug in

Technology has improved efficiency: communication is often easier through email or texting, and marketing and news reporting is faster and easier through social media. Still, many people dream of the moment they can take vacation and just “unplug” from the persistent computer use. As increased Read More...

An apple a day

An apple a day

Forget exotic “superfruits” like the goji berry and camu camu. It turns out that the trusty apple can lower the risk of or even prevent an array of diseases. Researchers at California State University compared several studies and found that apples reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as Read More...

Fishing for more information

Fishing for more information

Up until recently, there hasn’t really been much reliable information on finding out where our fish comes from or how it was raised. According to Oceana, the largest international organization focused on ocean conservation, there is not much reliable information provided to consumers about the Read More...

A new hope for treating Down s

A new hope for treating Down syndrome

Researchers just recently discovered a way to quiet the extra chromosome, chromosome 21, which is responsible for Down syndrome, by adding a gene found in females. An international science journal, Nature, published a study this week that gave the details of how stem cells were used to mute the Read More...

Who needs coffee when you have

Who needs coffee when you have water?

Water helps us remain hydrated throughout the day, but it can also help us to react and respond faster, a new study shows. When we feel thirsty, we become distracted from what we are doing. This study shows that by drinking more water, we retrieve the ability to concentrate on a given task – Read More...

It’s all in your head

It's all in your head

Jim Willett ran a ½ marathon while undergoing cancer treatment. Some call him crazy, some call him stubborn, but Willett simply calls himself an optimistic runner. Willett is the founder of The Optimism Revolution, a social media movement geared towards improving the mindset of anyone he can Read More...

The higher calling of fat

The higher calling of fat

Fat cells play an important role in weight gain, that’s what we all know. But we’re currently learning that those cells are not just passive storage depots. Recent research shows that certain fat cells in your body react to cold temperatures by burning calories. Cell biologist Bruce Spiegelman Read More...

Sleep does more for your healt

Sleep does more for your health than looks

A quick fix to a late night is grabbing a coffee on the way to work or picking up one of those few hour energy drinks. Consuming high levels of caffeine or taurine wakes you up and is just like getting a few more hours of sleep, right? Wrong. Studies have found that not getting enough sleep, 5 Read More...

Brain Food

Brain Food

Turn on the television, open a magazine or listen to the radio, and in short order you will no doubt be exposed to an advertisement extolling the virtues of some newly discovered exotic fruit juice that has the highest antioxidant content on the face of the Earth. You may wonder—why all the Read More...

The use of oil

The use of oil

How do you propose to balance the exploitation of Ecuador’s natural resources with preservation of its amazing ecological diversity?  Rafael Correa: “It is madness to say no to natural resources, which is what part of the left is proposing—no to oil, no to mining, no to gas, no to Read More...