Today’s Solutions: May 12, 2024


From creative interior design tricks that can improve your wellbeing to strategic plant arrangements that help you reap the most benefits from your leafy friends, this is the place to find everything you need to know to make your house feel like a home.

Himalayan salt lamps can boost mood, improve sleep, ease allergies, reduce anxiety and clean the air.

These 6 lighting tips will boost your mood and your health

At a time when sustainable and healthy living is at the forefront of many of our minds, the issue of lighting becomes a contested one. While LED (light-emitting diode) and CFL (compact fluorescent light) lights have gained popularity for their energy efficiency, these kinds of lights tend to leave Read More...

Honeycomb and bee or Apis florea on moringa tree and blur green leaves background.

Love bees but need to relocate a hive? Here’s how to do it sustainably

If you are a longtime reader of The Optimist Daily, you’ll know that our team loves bees (and other pollinators). We've published many stories on why bees are critical to our world’s ecosystem and to our species' survival, as well as articles that highlight amazing people and initiatives that Read More...

Happy group of young adult men and women cooking together at home in small kitchen or culinary classroom.

5 Ways to bring people together with food

In almost every corner of the world, coming together and sharing a meal is one of the most communal and binding traditions. As we have already reported, food is a wonderful way to bring people together; to forge friendships, exercise your creativity, and even save money while having an enjoyable Read More...

Two girls, best friends playing

Our greatest love of all could be friendship

We live in a world that gives top priority to finding a partner and being in a monogamous marriage. It's the "happily ever after" to our fairy tales, for better or worse. However, this narrative overlooks the rich relationships that round out a fulfilling life that have nothing to do with Read More...


5 ways to save rainforests and the world every day

“At first, I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realize I am fighting for humanity.”  - Chico Mendes, Brazilian environmentalist July 28 is World Nature Conservation Day.  In honor of this, we're happy to offer Read More...

“Count Down” ー Protectin

“Count Down” ー Protecting our bodies and our fertility in the modern age

“Hormones get no respect. We think of them as the elusive chemicals that make us a bit moody, but these magical little molecules do so much more.” - Susannah Cahalan, Author, Brain on Fire Most of us know to wash our produce before eating it and not to microwave plastic, but what about Read More...

Chia seed drink topped with blueberries

9 natural energy-boosting alternative drinks to coffee

Coffee is good. Almost too good. The energy kick from coffee can be so good that you start drinking too much of it, and that can come with some unpleasant side effects. Too much caffeine has been linked with depression and anxiety. Plus, the amount of sugar that many people consume with their Read More...

Modern glass electric kettle boiling on kitchen table.

10 eco-friendly kitchen appliances to make your home greener

A healthy kitchen goes beyond just eating green. On top of an eco-friendly diet, having planet-friendly appliances in the heart of your home can go a long way in making your household more sustainable. Although repairing existing items is a great first choice, if you do have an appliance in need of Read More...

Young woman with curly hair laughing while standing outside in a park on a sunny summer afternoon.

Transform your health with these 9 powerful habits

You are your best investment — and your habits are the key to how well you thrive in life. For a balanced lifestyle that works with your body’s natural biorhythms, consider implementing these nine powerful habits into your life. Eat an earlier, lighter dinner A big meal hours before Read More...

Vinegar and Baking soda

3 sustainable cleaning products you can make yourself

Even when you buy eco-friendly products, they can still come in a plastic container you can’t use again. If you can’t refill your cleaning products or get them in sustainable packaging, no worries. You can make cleaning products all on your own, saving money and helping the environment, while Read More...