Today’s Solutions: May 14, 2024


From creative interior design tricks that can improve your wellbeing to strategic plant arrangements that help you reap the most benefits from your leafy friends, this is the place to find everything you need to know to make your house feel like a home.

Young woman leaning her head backwards with eyes closed

These 3 techniques will help you regulate your emotions better

Managing your emotions isn’t the same as suppressing them. In fact, suppressing your emotions and the pain you might feel will only make emotional wounds worse over time. To gain control over your emotions, it’s important to acknowledge the presence of those emotions while recognizing that your Read More...

Young woman siting on grass in the sun

How to turn a little bit of time into a positive mindset

With benefits to both your mental and physical health, there is a lot to be gained from adopting a positive mindset. And the best part is that summoning positivity doesn’t have to be such a strenuous, time-consuming process. With just 10 to 15 minutes a day, you can cultivate positivity within Read More...

Visual concept of immune system and defense.

How magnesium improves immune cell capabilities

Magnesium is an essential mineral vital to many bodily functions including muscle contraction, nerve transmission, blood pressure, and immunity. Therefore, it makes sense that magnesium deficiencies are linked to a wide range of diseases. Scientists have previously shown that mice on a Read More...

Woman hand putting money coin into piggy for saving money wealth and financial concept.

How to spend your money on happiness

No matter how many times you click ‘buy’ online, spending money online to buy things isn’t necessarily going to make you a happier person. That, however, doesn’t mean that spending money, in general, can’t help make your life a bit happier. With a little conscious spending, you can Read More...

Woman watching the sunset while lounging on a chair

Here’s why sometimes doing nothing is the best thing you can do

Over the last two years, Americans took the least vacation time in the world. We answer emails on weekends, work overtime, and stretch ourselves too thin. Our culture of overwork is not only making us sick and exhausted, it’s actually making us less productive as well. Taking regular breaks to Read More...

Asian woman sleeps behind alarm clock that reads one minute to 6:00

What the ideal sleep schedule is for every sleep chronotype

Getting enough good quality sleep is crucial for our overall health, but unfortunately, there isn’t a standardized sleeping schedule that will work for everyone. That's because, much like personality types, each person falls into one of four different “sleep chronotypes,” and each chronotype Read More...

Mature woman lying on her sofa, enjoying listening to some music through headphones.

Ease menopause by listening to music

Going through menopause can be an extremely challenging time, where the world you’ve known for most of your life is turned upside down. Not every person's experience of menopause is the same, with symptoms ranging in frequency and severity. These include depression, sexual dysfunction, joint and Read More...

bottle of water next to glass of water sitting on a tray placed on white bed

Advice from a sleep doctor: don't drink water after this time

Hydration is a crucial aspect of our overall health—however, trying to catch up on your hydration right before bedtime can negatively affect your sleep quality. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t keep a glass of water on your bedside table anymore, but it does mean that you should aim to Read More...

healthy breakfast with berries and walnuts

3 breakfast habits to boost brain function according to dietitians

Eating well throughout the day is crucial for maintaining good overall health, but starting on the right foot with a proper breakfast is especially beneficial. According to the Cleveland Clinic, eating within the first few hours of waking can be great for your body’s energy levels, heart, and Read More...

elderly couple (Asian man and Black man) engage in an intimate conversation

5 reasons that secrets sour relationships & how to break the secret-keeping cycle

According to a 2018 study, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people on average keep around 13 secrets at a time, five of which have never been revealed to anyone. It’s worth mentioning that individuals should maintain their right to privacy, even within Read More...