Today’s Solutions: May 16, 2024


From creative interior design tricks that can improve your wellbeing to strategic plant arrangements that help you reap the most benefits from your leafy friends, this is the place to find everything you need to know to make your house feel like a home.

Yellow lab approaches mushroom in the forest

Online mushroom hotline puts the power of crowdsourcing in poison control

Ninety nine percent of mushrooms are non-toxic, but the one percent which are can have fatal consequences if accidentally ingested. For people with pets or young children, a seemingly harmless patch of fungi in the front yard could be disastrous. Fortunately, a growing Facebook group is here to Read More...

young woman with gloves pots her plants

How to develop a green thumb in no time

When someone brings up the term “green thumb,” chances are certain people we know come to mind, but do we actually know what the term means? Here’s what plant experts want you to understand about what it means to have a green thumb. What it means to have a green thumb According to Read More...

Hands holding rustic gift

Happy Holidays: A gift list from The Optimist Daily

“True giving from the heart is an expression of love.” Cara Stein With the holiday season in full swing, it can be difficult to navigate gifting in a way that celebrates loved ones while upholding our environmental and ethical values. Choosing gifts that are thoughtful, sustainable, and Read More...

mature woman with two orange weights in her hands, strength workout at home

Some expert tips on how to find motivation to do strength training at home

Thanks to the pandemic, many former gym junkies and fitness aficionados have become accustomed to working out at home—and while lots of people (and wallets) are enjoying this shift away from visiting the gym, it’s not always easy to find the motivation to complete all types of workouts. This is Read More...

Avocado and avocado oil

8 Ways to use avocado oil in your skincare routine

Avocado oil is a great addition to your kitchen as it is a healthy fat full of vitamins and minerals, but did you know this versatile oil is also great for your skin? Today we share eight ways to use avocado oil in your skincare routine. Makeup remover A couple of drops of avocado oil on a cotton Read More...

spilled wine and other food items on white table cloth

How to get rid of stubborn Thanksgiving dinner stains

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and many of us are excited to be celebrating a holiday together with friends and family IRL for the first time in almost two years. This means that things are probably going to get messy in the kitchen and around the dinner table on Thanksgiving Day. This Read More...

Family Thanksgiving table

Heading back to family Thanksgiving? Here’s how to manage your social anxiety

Contrary to what Hallmark movies would like you to believe, the holidays are not always a magical time filled with family joy and snowflakes. For many families, holiday gatherings can be tense and anxiety-provoking, especially if you took a year off due to the pandemic. If you find your social Read More...

Children wearing masks in the airport

How to navigate traveling with children this holiday season

Many of us are returning to celebrating the holidays with our extended family for the first time in a while this year, and if you have children who are too young to be vaccinated, traveling can be especially anxiety-provoking. If you’re a parent and you do plan on traveling for the holiday, we Read More...

two snowmen hold hands in a snowy field

5 Ways to stay connected with your partner during the busy holiday season

As the holiday season approaches, some of us are preparing to celebrate with friends and family in real life for the first time in a very long time. While exciting, the coming festivities may also mean that your list of obligations seems to go on and on, making it more likely for your own Read More...

four dogs in costume pose on a video chat

The DogPhone allows dogs to call their owners while they're out

Dog owners know that even though their furry companions can’t speak, they all find unique and innovative ways to communicate with their humans. Now, researchers have developed a device, nicknamed the DogPhone, which offers a way for canines at home to reach their owners while they’re Read More...