Today’s Solutions: May 02, 2024


From mathematics and AI to medicine and psychology, The Optimist Daily features the latest news on discoveries, technological advances, and breakthroughs in the world of science. Our Science section is here to engage and enlighten you.

Report shows price of wind ene

Report shows price of wind energy in US at all-time low, averaging under 2.5 cents/kWh

It's not so strange that large companies like Google, Yahoo and Microsoft recently turned to wind energy to power their enormous data centers. Rather, it's simple math: Wind energy is becoming surprisingly cheap. A new report released by the U.S. Department of Energy shows that the price of Read More...

Mind control is no longer scie

Mind control is no longer science fiction

The technology underlying brain-to-brain communication has already been used effectively in a number of clinical settings “It was one of the weirdest sensations I have ever felt.” This is how Stephen Dunne, director of neuroscience research at Starlab in Barcelona, described his first Read More...

Japanese engineer develops wor

Japanese engineer develops world's first 'car in a bag'

Pocket-sized personal transporters could soon be seen on the streets of Tokyo. A Japanese engineer has developed a portable transporter small enough to be carried in a backpack that he says is the world's first 'car in a bag'. Twenty-six-year-old Kuniako Sato and his team at Cocoa Motors recently Read More...

Former F1 champion Villeneuve

Former F1 champion Villeneuve goes electric

Former Formula One world champion Jacques Villeneuve is coming out of retirement to compete in the Formula E championship next season. The 44-year-old became the only Canadian to land the F1 title in 1997. The winner of 11 grand prix he moved on to compete in the Le Mans 24 Hour and had a spell in Read More...

Nano-sized ‘yolks’

Nano-sized 'yolks' should lead to longer-lasting batteries

Those eggs you might have had for breakfast? They're not just food -- they may be the key to longer-running batteries in your devices. Scientists at MIT and Tsinghua University have developed a nanoparticle battery electrode whose egg-like design is built to last. Their invention, which houses a Read More...

Out with the coal, in with the

Out with the coal, in with the geothermal: New Zealand shifts to clean energy

Historically, New Zealand has relied on coal as its main fuel for development. No more.The country's share of renewable electricity generation, already the fourth largest in the world, is now close to 80 percent. With the quick rise in geothermal generation, New Zeland is well on its way to Read More...

New Aqueous Lithium-Iodine Sol

New Aqueous Lithium-Iodine Solar Flow Battery Promises Energy Savings

A new system combining lithium-iodine batteries and solar cells — an aqueous lithium−iodine solar flow battery — has been created by researchers at Ohio State University. The new battery system promises energy savings of nearly 20% as compared to conventional lithium-iodine Read More...

The innovators: cheaper batter

The innovators: cheaper batteries could help electric cars hit the mainstream

There was a surge in the sale of electric cars last year but the number leaving the forecourts is still dwarfed by traditional gas-guzzlers at a ratio of almost 50 to one. The high cost of the batteries that power the vehicles is a prime reason. Sheffield-based Faradion believes it has found a Read More...

Norway wants (nearly) all cars

Norway wants (nearly) all cars on its roads to be emissions-free by 2025

Norway has the world's highest per capita use and sale of electric cars. Its embrace of electric cars will continue as a member of parliament has now commented that the country is aiming for all new vehicles (or well, nearly all) to be completely emissions-free by the year 2025. All municipal Read More...

Undamming rivers with solar pa

Undamming rivers with solar panels and free salmon

Hydroelectric power is listed as an important source of clean energy. But in reality the dams produce only modest amounts of power while causing enormous damage to rivers and fish populations. Two Yale professors propose to take down the aging dams; restore the natural ecology of the rivers; build Read More...