Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Teaching & Learning

Education propels change. Stay up to date on the latest educational developments near you and around the world from preschool to post-grad. Here, you'll find out why equitable quality education is essential for fostering healthy and resilient societies.

Students drop social media: h

Students drop social media: how a weeklong detox improves self-esteem and body image

A new study from York University in Toronto, Canada sheds light on the substantial consequences of social media detox on people's self-esteem and body image. The study, led by psychology professor Jennifer Mills, included 66 female undergraduate students and sought to investigate the consequences Read More...

How embarking on a fictional l

How embarking on a fictional literary adventure shapes your brain 

It's time to celebrate, bookworms! Scientists revealed some fascinating findings about the effects of reading fiction on the brain, and the results are nothing short of astounding. According to Lena Wimmer, a postdoctoral researcher at Maximilian University in Germany, venturing into the world of Read More...

Boosting solar power: reflecto

Boosting solar power: reflectors under panels increase efficiency 

Researchers at the University of Ottawa, in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), announced a ground-breaking innovation to improve solar panel efficiency. By incorporating reflective surfaces beneath solar panels, the researchers increased energy output by an impressive Read More...

Scientists document the secret

Scientists document the secret language of sperm whales

Sperm whales, the majestic titans of the ocean, have long captivated researchers with their complex vocalizations. Recent research revealed a stunning discovery: these marine creatures have a sophisticated communication system, similar to a "phonetic alphabet."  Cracking the code: an in-depth Read More...

New smartphone game FathomVers

New smartphone game FathomVerse reveals the ocean's hidden depths

Prepare to dive into the depths of the ocean with FathomVerse, a groundbreaking smartphone game that blurs the barriers between gaming and scientific inquiry. FathomVerse, which was released on May 1st and is accessible on the App Store and Google Play, provides users with a unique opportunity to Read More...

Navigating digital dating and

Navigating digital dating and modern relationships

Digital dating has changed the way we connect, creating a new vocabulary of phrases such as ghosting, orbiting, and breadcrumbing. While these activities may appear fairly innocent on the surface, they can have serious consequences for our mental health and well-being. Psychotherapist Danielle Read More...

USDA implements new school mea

USDA implements new school meal standards to reduce added sugars

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced significant changes to school meal laws, including the first time added sugars will be banned on the nation's school menus. The new standards also aim to reduce sodium consumption as part of a larger push to improve the nutritional Read More...

Pro parenting tips to spark yo

Pro parenting tips to spark your children's life-long love for the great outdoors

In today's digital world, the pull of screens can be difficult to overcome, particularly for kids. However, the dangers of spending too much time indoors are serious. Carlene Fider, Ph.D., a core faculty member at Pacific Oaks College, emphasizes the importance of outdoor exploration for children's Read More...

Good old-fashioned printed tex

Good old-fashioned printed text outshines screens for cognitive engagement in young readers

In today's digital landscape, the draw of screens is clear, especially among the youngest members of society. But, what does this switch-up mean for children's developing brains? Recent research published in the journal PLOS ONE investigates the neurological ramifications of reading on screens Read More...

The ancient origins of your 60

The ancient origins of your 600,000 year old cuppa joe

Did you realize that the beans that comprise your morning cup of coffee date back 600,000 years? Scientists have discovered the ancient origins of Coffea arabica, the popular coffee plant that fills millions of cups worldwide. The global takeover of Arabica coffee With its well-known sweet Read More...