Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


There has been no era like ours for the rapid development of technology. Stay updated on the hottest trends and advancements from all over the world.


G7 countries plan to stop fossil fuel development overseas

Environmental and energy ministers from the world’s largest economies agreed to stop funding any overseas fossil fuel development by the end of 2022. This will cut off investment in high carbon pollution programs that threaten the world from meeting its climate targets. The G7 countries Read More...

Heart research

BU-led team aims to treat heart disease by growing new heart tissue

The heart is arguably the hardest-working and most important organ in the body. Starting the moment it’s formed in the womb the heart has to keep working for the rest of our lives. What’s more daunting is that the heart can’t repair itself. Once a ventricle or aorta is damaged, the heart just Read More...

three dolphins looking into the camera

Marine biologists come up with effective low-tech solution to bycatch

Bycatch, which is the accidental capture of non-target species such as dolphins, marine turtles, and seabirds, is a pervasive problem in the fishing industry. Thousands of whales, dolphins, and porpoises drown from getting entangled in nets and lobster potlines every year. The problem is that Read More...

Medication Gels

Plant-based-oil gel helps the medicine go down

It isn’t just children who can have trouble swallowing pills. Some adults find it difficult too, for example, adults who have suffered a stroke and need certain medications.  Researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital developed a drug-delivering gel that is easier to swallow and Read More...

Drinking Water

Massachusetts sues 15 companies for contaminating drinking water with PFAs

Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have become a widespread health concern. These forever chemicals have been linked to thyroid disease, kidney damage, and certain cancers. They take a very long time to break down in the environment, and many manufacturers knew about the risks but still Read More...

Video Game Union

Activision Blizzard workers vote in industry’s first union

Video game makers may create and sell fun-filled entertainment products, but Activision Blizzard has been bogged down in suits and bad press for unfair working conditions. The makers of games like Overwatch and Call of Duty are accused particularly of fostering a “frat boy” culture where sexual Read More...

British Farm

UK bill could fast-track gene-editing and improve food security

As we deduce more about the future with the changing climate, it becomes clear that secure and reliable food production will be a challenge. Gene-edited products could be a big help in making climate-resilient crops and securing our food supply.  A bill on genetic technologies before the UK Read More...

many red tomatoes

Scientists use CRISPR gene editing to make tomatoes richer in vitamin D

Over the past couple of years, people have become especially interested in CRISPR gene editing and vitamin D. Both are linked to fighting off the infamous Covid-19 virus, but in different ways. CRISPR gene editing offers us avenues and technologies that can help us detect the genetic signature of Read More...


This gel film pulls drinking water from the air in even the driest places

Getting water to drought-stricken areas is an increasing concern for scientists. In the future, desalination systems will become simpler and more accessible to get water to those who need it, but another solution could be to just pull water right out of the air.  Engineers from the University Read More...

industrial skyline at dusk or dawn with lots of carbon emissions in the air

US injects 3.5 billion into carbon removal technologies

The US has ambitious goals to reach and maintain a net-zero economy by 2050. To get the nation closer to this objective, the US Department of Energy (DOE) is accelerating its Carbon Negative Shot initiative to facilitate the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere while also driving down the Read More...