Today’s Solutions: May 14, 2024

The Optimist Living

How to make yourself more resi

How to make yourself more resilient to stress

Resilience, psychologically speaking, is the ability to adapt to adversity or significant stress. When faced with difficulty, resilient people recover more quickly. They view setbacks as temporary and move forward despite uncertainty. The thing is, resilience isn’t a magical quality that’s Read More...

Struggling to make a good habi

Struggling to make a good habit stick? Try changing the way you think about it

Is there a “bad” habit that you want to replace with a healthier choice, but struggle to get yourself to do it? You may be paying too much attention to what you think you’ll lose by giving up the habit. Try flipping your perspective. Good habits are called “good” for a reason. They Read More...

Revamp your pantry and make it

Revamp your pantry and make it easier to eat healthy

A fridge full of fruits and vegetables can be key for maintaining a healthy diet, but what’s just important is that your pantry is stocked with quality ingredients too. If you follow the following 9 tips, you can revamp your pantry in such a way that it becomes easier to prioritize healthy Read More...

German scientists have invente

German scientists have invented a cooling system that doesn’t harm the planet

You may not realize it, but your air conditioning is warming up the planet. That’s because air conditioning systems contain highly toxic fluorocarbons that have proven to be powerful greenhouse gases with remarkable heat-trapping capabilities. The good news is better cooling systems are on their Read More...

Five techniques for talking to

Five techniques for talking to kids about climate change

Around the world, children are taking action against climate change inaction—they’re going on strike from school, calling on governments to do something, and filing lawsuits. They are willing to be bold in the face of indifference and to shout louder than today’s failing leaders. We need to Read More...

Change the way you feel about

Change the way you feel about the boring parts of work to get them done quicker

No matter how meaningful or rewarding your job is, every job has its boring parts. If these boring parts are demotivating you and making it harder to wake up in the morning, there are a few things you can do to change your thinking about the parts of your job that you hate. The first thing you Read More...

Make hanging with your partner

Make hanging with your partner’s family more bearable with these 12 tips

You may be in love with your significant other, but that doesn’t mean you feel the same way about their family. The thing is, no matter how much you may want to avoid spending time with the in-laws, establishing good rapport with them can be very important for the health of your own relationship. Read More...

Resiliency is key to success.

Resiliency is key to success. Here’s how to cultivate it

Failure sucks, but it’s a part of life. Any time we work towards our goals, we are bound to fail at one point or another. It’s not, however, the failures themselves that will stop you from getting to where you want to be. Rather, it’s the way you respond that matters most. If you feel your Read More...

Science says this is the ideal

Science says this is the ideal way to structure your day

Who says working 8 hours a day, five days a week is the best way for everyone to work? The fact of the matter is the 8-hour workday is arbitrary, and the structure itself has become a relic of a past time. Science itself would agree that this manner of structuring the work week has become Read More...

Toilet paper is terrible for t

Toilet paper is terrible for the environment. Here are three alternatives

Newsflash: using the modern luxury that is toilet paper could be doing more damage to the environment than driving a large, gas-guzzling SUV. Yes, using all that toilet paper adds up, with the average American using around 28 pounds of toilet paper each year. This is destroying forests and Read More...