Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

402 results for "biodiversity"

Reef Stars revival: innovative

Reef Stars revival: innovative solutions to coral reef restoration

Coral reefs, vibrant undersea ecosystems brimming with life, are experiencing an existential crisis. With forecasts indicating that 90 percent of these unique ecosystems may perish by 2050, immediate action is required. Despite this grim picture, scientists are discovering new and Read More...

The European Parliament passes

The European Parliament passes incredible bill that criminalizes ecosystem destruction

In a historic act, the European Union has criminalized serious incidents of environmental degradation, setting a global precedent. This innovative law, dubbed "comparable to ecocide," seeks to address ecosystem degradation, illicit logging, and habitat loss through enhanced penalties and prison Read More...

England’s biodiversity r

England's biodiversity revolution—a radical approach to sustainable development

England is introducing a biodiversity credit scheme in a historic move that will transform the construction scene. This week marks the debut of the Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) program, a bold endeavor to push new development projects to benefit, not hurt, the natural environment. The Biodiversity Read More...

Sea otters: the guardians of C

Sea otters: the guardians of California's kelp forests

New research from the Monterey Bay Aquarium reveals a striking link between the recovery of Southern sea otters and the condition of kelp forests along the West Coast. According to a study published in the journal PLOS Climate, the recovery of sea otter populations in central California coincided Read More...

“Twilight Zone” fungi from

“Twilight Zone” fungi from the ocean’s depths—a new frontier for antibiotic discovery

In a revolutionary discovery, the largest-ever investigation of ocean DNA, published in the journal Frontiers in Science, has shown a plethora of fungi living in the ocean's mysterious twilight zone. This enormous study builds on a comprehensive ocean DNA catalog that includes over 317 million Read More...

Poland protects 10 of its most

Poland protects 10 of its most ancient forests by proclaiming ban on logging

In a significant step toward environmental conservation, Poland's newly appointed climate and environment minister, Paulina Hennig-Kloska, declared a half-year halt on logging in ten of the country's most valuable forests. These initiatives highlight the government's commitment to preserve 20 Read More...

Pacific coral reefs may be mor

Pacific coral reefs may be more resilient than we think

Coral reefs, the vibrant life-filled undersea cities, have long been on the front lines of climate change's onslaught. However, new research from Newcastle University provides a ray of light in the middle of these struggles. The coral reefs of Palau demonstrate a capacity to adapt to rising ocean Read More...

Nurturing nature: The US launc

Nurturing nature: The US launches the biggest-ever survey of nature and wildlife

With the unprecedented National Nature Assessment, the United States is beginning a ground-breaking adventure to protect its natural resources. In a presentation at the Ecological Society of America Conference in Oregon earlier this week, Phil Levin, director of the project and part of the faculty Read More...

California passes landmark con

California passes landmark conservation act for Western Joshua Trees

Attention all nature lovers! We have some exciting news to share. California just enacted the Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act, which is a big step forward in the fight against climate change. This historic ordinance is the first of its kind in the state, protecting the spectacular Western Read More...

Prescribed thinning and contro

Prescribed thinning and controlled burns critical in preventing California wildfires

A pioneering two-decade-long study done in California's Sierra Nevada mountains confirms the effectiveness of forest management strategies such as restorative thinning and regulated burning in reducing the state's rising threat of catastrophic wildfires. This thorough study, conducted by the Read More...