Today’s Solutions: May 04, 2024

264 results for "reduce food waste"

Blue Ful carbonated drink made from spirulina blue-green algae

This tasty blue soda has no food coloring and captures CO2

We’ve previously talked about the benefits of spirulina. Considered a superfood, blue-green algae have been touted for its high nutritional value. And although it has become popular as a supplement among wellness-focused people, the algae still hasn’t reached mainstream adoption.  That may Read More...

Cute tiny puppy stands outside in transparent raincoat

8 ways to minimize your pet's environmental pawprint

Over the past two years and counting, many people have taken on the company of a cat, dog, or other animal companions to ease the feelings of isolation that the pandemic has brought upon us. According to the American Pet Products Association, over 70 percent of American households own a pet. Read More...

Reusing items for a zero-waste garden

Make your green thumb even greener by cultivating a zero-waste garden

If the thought that’s keeping you warm through these winter months is looking forward to getting back into your garden, you're surely not alone. We’ve shared many stories that tout the benefits of gardening, not only for the gardeners’ overall health but for the health of our natural Read More...

honey ginger turmeric lemon and other ingredients to make a homemade wellness shot

DIY wellness shots that can help you kick that winter cold

If you’re a health guru or even just live in Los Angeles, you’ve likely heard of wellness shots. While these miniature beverages do pack a nutritious punch, they also often carry a hefty price tag. Here’s how to harness the power of natural immune system boosters to make influencer-worthy Read More...

Person wearing a striped apron washing unpeeled carrots.

Why you shouldn’t peel all your vegetables

In her book, Zero Waste Home, Bea Johnson reveals that she doesn’t own a vegetable peeler. As a result, “food prep is much faster, my compost output (peelings) is considerably reduced, and we benefit from the vitamins that are locked into vegetable skins.” Is it crazy not to peel your Read More...

produce at market in milan

This ingenious solution tackles food waste and insecurity at once

Food waste is a particularly infuriating problem because so much is wasted. According to nonprofit FoodPrint, almost 40 percent of all food in America, much of it still edible, is chucked out. All while at least a tenth of the world’s population (around 800 million people) are struggling with Read More...

Shelf with raw food products displayed in refillable food dispensers. Food shop interior in package free grocery store.

The rise in popularity of zero-waste stores

What are zero-waste stores? Zero-waste or refill stores, specialize in products with no packaging waste and are non-harmful for the environment. A wide variety of foods and household cleaning products can be found at many of these stores, with the hope in the future that mainstream supermarkets Read More...

woman gets bottle of milk out of fridge

This market is tossing "use-by" dates to help curb food waste

The British supermarket Morrisons has decided to remove “use-by” dates on milk packaging by the end of the month in an effort to save millions of pints of milk from being needlessly thrown away each year. Instead, the supermarket is inviting their customers to use the traditional, age-old Read More...

Fruits and vegetables isle in supermarket

Edible coating keeps fresh produce from quickly spoiling

Removing plastic packaging from fruit and vegetables in supermarkets can help reduce a significant amount of plastic waste. However, if you have a product that tends to spoil rapidly once ripe, such as a banana, you will be faced with another problem: food waste. Swapping plastic packaging for a Read More...

gloved hands throw food waste into compost bin

Everything you need to know about California’s new composting law

Food waste is a huge problem to tackle, which is why we’ve shared numerous stories with tips on how you can help reduce your own personal food waste. To that end, we’ve suggested that people re-organize their pantry and refrigerator, download apps that connect consumers with grocery items that Read More...