Today’s Solutions: February 18, 2025

Bank of America officially say

Bank of America officially says no to financing Arctic drilling

One word: Finally. Bank of America has just become the last major US financial institution to declare that they will no longer finance any oil and gas exploration in the Arctic. The decision, which was announced to Bloomberg News on Monday, comes after Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Chase, Wells Read More...

Deutsche Bank joins list of ba

Deutsche Bank joins list of banks in banning Arctic drilling

The world could use some good news about the Arctic after weeks of battling a prolonged heatwave and wildfires. Fortunately, we have some good news: Financial giant Deutsche Bank has introduced a new energy policy banning financial support of drilling in the Arctic. The move comes after years of Read More...

World’s largest banker of fo

World’s largest banker of fossil fuels to no longer fund arctic drilling

If we are to truly put an end to oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, then the world’s financial institutions must stop providing the funds that support drilling operations. The good news is that America’s biggest bank is walking away from funding Arctic drilling, along with the world’s Read More...