Today’s Solutions: January 16, 2025

woman inspects doorways in home

Is your home at risk for natural disasters? Here's what to do if it is

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM Extreme weather events are becoming more commonplace thanks to climate change. For homeowners and for those on the market, considering a home’s potential vulnerability to natural disasters is becoming a top priority.  Proximity to work and good schools, or Read More...

Puerto Rico’s revolution

Puerto Rico's revolutionary community-led solar microgrid

In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017, the Puerto Rican municipality of Adjuntas was plunged into darkness, with no power for weeks. Despite the enormous hurdles, one business, Lucy’s Pizza, stood as a beacon of hope in the midst of the mayhem. The restaurant was powered by a noisy and Read More...

Solar-(em)powered: These stree

Solar-(em)powered: These streetlights illuminate a path towards climate resilience

The necessity for climate-resilient infrastructure is increasingly evident to prepare for the future. Solar-powered streetlights are one such innovation with enormous promise. These lights provide a stable and independent source of illumination by harnessing the sun's energy, even during power Read More...

Mobile phone with webpage of 2022 UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) on screen in front of logo. Focus on center of phone display.

Climate justice is intrinsic to COP27’s success. Here’s how to address it

The Conference of the Parties (COP) in Egypt this year is crucial. In Glasgow last year, countries pledged increased climate financing and committed to raising their goals, but in the end, fell short of the 1.5 degree Celsius global warming limit. COP27 is an opportunity to fix that problem Read More...

Panama City

Tree cities: regreening and making cities more climate-resilient

We decided to revamp a story about a wonderful solution: tree cities.  At The Optimist Daily, as you’ve probably guessed, we love solutions for urban green spaces. We’ve written quite a bit about these, with their ability to offset carbon emissions, help grow food, and help animals and Read More...

floating office rotterdam

Rotterdam becomes home to the world’s largest floating office

While Rotterdam is typically known for hosting Europe’s biggest port, the second largest Dutch city is also famous as a forerunning innovator in climate adaptability. This reputation is reflected by (among other things) a floating dairy farm located near the port, as well as by the more recently Read More...