Today’s Solutions: January 23, 2025

Reduce conversation stress wit

Reduce conversation stress with these 8 communications strategies

The stress of the pandemic compounded by holiday pressures may have your household nearing a boiling point this week. Fortunately, effective communication strategies can help you tackle tough topics, express what you’re feeling, and ultimately, resolve some tension in your home.  One place the Read More...

3 ways to improve communicatio

3 ways to improve communication while wearing a face mask

While face masks are vital for minimizing your risk of Covid-19, they can be a real hindrance to everyday communication. You might notice that your voice gets muffled when you try to greet the neighbor, or that you can’t understand the cashier clerk when they speak to you. Since face masks are Read More...

To connect more meaningfully w

To connect more meaningfully with each other, call instead of texting

Over the last couple of months, social distancing has pushed many of us to rely on technology to connect with one another. And while many opt for text-based communications out of fear of awkwardness, new research shows that a phone call is more likely to produce the actual feelings of connectedness Read More...

This smart glove translates si

This smart glove translates sign language directly into speech

It is estimated that between 100,000 and 1 million people use American Sign Language in the United States. And like deaf communities around the world, when they communicate with non-signers, they typically need someone else to translate for them or turn to text-to-speech software for that. But Read More...

Building rapport and why it

Building rapport and why it's important to do it with your kids

If you’re a parent, you’re likely spending a lot more time with your children these days, but spending time together isn’t necessarily the same as building a stronger relationship with your kids. Bobbi DePorter from SuperCamp reminds us of the importance of building rapport with your Read More...

Why we need to skip the jargon

Why we need to skip the jargon when discussing climate change

When it comes to climate change, there’s a plethora of interchangeable jargon such as “net-zero” and “circular” being used to describe and explain what’s going on. And according to a new study out of Ohio State University, all this jargon could be a stumbling block for fostering Read More...

How to control the flood of in

How to control the flood of information during a natural disaster

In a 21st century crisis, information is dissipated in mass through social media channels. But when the communication stakes are high, such as relaying evacuation notices, bridge collapses, and road closures, how do we decipher what is accurate in the virtual flood of information? Shannon Bowen, a Read More...

Struggling to get your message

Struggling to get your message across? Here’s why that happens

There’s nothing more frustrating than not being able to get your message across to other people, especially when it happens frequently with your colleagues. Fortunately, if you identify the roadblocks that stop information from getting through, you’ll be able to craft strategies to get around Read More...

Ken Wilber's take on savi

Ken Wilber's take on saving the world through cross-cultural communication

Philosopher Ken Wilber says that to solve the world’s problems, we need to take a more integral approach by changing the way we communicate our message across cultures. Jurriaan Kamp | April 2009 issue Ken Wilber’s mission is simple: to make sense of our times—to explain what we need to do Read More...

This is your life

This is your life

Stop tweeting, texting and multitasking for a minute. Instead, tell your story. Michael McQueen | October 2010 issue Communication is the currency of our age. Americans send an estimated 2.5 billion text messages every single day—and this is just the start. Add to this the avalanche of tweets, Read More...