Today’s Solutions: January 23, 2025

Pile of ripe potatoes on ground in field.

Banana paper saves potatoes by blocking worm communication

The potato cyst nematode is a pathogenic worm and something of a global menace. When these little critters come across potato farms they infest the crops, drastically reducing yield and size. Some areas of Africa see a 60 percent decline in potato yield after infestation, negatively affecting Read More...

Person's hand squeezing a yellow stress ball with a smiley face on.

What is meta-stress and how can you avoid it?

When you know a high-stress event is coming up, it’s natural to work yourself up before it even happens. That anticipation can cause you to spiral down a rabbit hole of “what ifs,” and those thoughts can feel both mentally and emotionally taxing. Researchers say this common pattern is called Read More...

The 3D illustration showing brain and active vagus nerve.

The secrets of body-to-brain communication

There are so many types of communication that occur in our world, some of which you’ve probably never even considered. Having a chat over coffee, fungal networks sending each other signals underground, or even plant-to-farmer communication, there are so many types of relationships that rely on Read More...

couple in deep conversation

Make your conversations more mindful in five simple steps

If you've ever practiced mindfulness, you're probably already aware of the many benefits it offers for the dedicated practitioner. When we open ourselves to this practice, we create the potential for our lives to be transformed in ways that might seem subtle but are truly life-altering. Take Read More...

frustrated Black man looks at his Back woman partner who is distracted by her phone

How to break up with your phone

It’s dawning on many of us that the way we engage with our phones simply isn’t healthy. According to data from Moment, a time-tracking app with almost five million users, the average person spends four hours a day on their phone. To make matters worse, according to a recent Pew Research Center Read More...

White man with glasses against a yellow background points finger and loses temper

Have a short-temper? Tips from an empathy expert on how to stay cool

You aren’t alone if you can relate to having a short fuse every once in a while, however, this can greatly affect your relationships, well-being, and stress levels. With time and reflection, you can start working on keeping cool so that you don’t end up deflated after every disagreement or Read More...

child plays with xylophone

Music education helps children with autism communicate their emotions

We recently wrote about the healing power of music therapy in hospitals. Today, we’re again looking at the power of music, but this time, as an educational resource for children with autism.  Children with autism often have difficulty expressing themselves verbally, but research has shown Read More...

Woman speech therapist doing speech exercises with with stuttering boy

Novel research could help improve the quality of life of people who stutter

According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, there are about three million people in the US who stutter. Since stuttering can make it difficult to communicate with other people, it can also take a toll on a person’s quality of life by negatively impacting job Read More...

Ballpoint pen and cursive writing on a white piece of paper

Can a machine read your mind? Turning thoughts into words

BrainGate recently made a technological breakthrough that has the potential to improve the quality of life of people living with paralysis. Previously, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) had been able to translate thoughts into the physical world through point-and-click systems using virtual Read More...

How to deal with a bullying bo

How to deal with a bullying boss

Most people associate bullying with recess and school cafeterias, but unfortunately, some bullies don’t outgrow their horrid habits when they move on to the workplace. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute’s 2017 National Survey, almost 20 percent of Americans continue to experience Read More...