Today’s Solutions: September 20, 2024

Teenager finds low-tech soluti

Teenager finds low-tech solutions to blindspot problem in cars

As every cyclist knows, the blind spots of the rear-view window of a car can be extremely dangerous. Although companies are working on various high-tech solutions for this problem, a 14-year-old from Pennsylvania has taken a more low-tech approach to create an ingenious fix for the issue. Alaina Read More...

This seaweed-fiber Sumo diaper

This seaweed-fiber Sumo diaper is the alternative the world needs

In the European Union alone, 17 million dirty diapers are disposed of every day. This is problematic for the environment, especially because the chemicals and plastics needed to make diapers comfortable and anti-bacterial also make the diaper neither non-recyclable nor compostable. In response to Read More...

This bicycle is made out of 30

This bicycle is made out of 300 recycled Nespresso pods

While coffee pods are a convenience of modern times, they come with a dark side. Most of them end up in our landfills, contributing to the growing challenge of plastic pollution. In an effort to change that, Vélosophy, a Swedish start-up, has developed a sleek solution to this brewing problem – Read More...

This compostable packaging for

This compostable packaging for mushrooms is made out of…mushrooms

Packaging made from mushrooms, for mushrooms, is being tested in the hope that it will keep the fungi fresher longer. Christchurch mushroom grower, Meadow Mushrooms, is trialing the packaging it has developed and made from mushroom stalks, for its own products. The 50-year-old family business Read More...

The climate crisis has ushered

The climate crisis has ushered in a new wave of environmentally-conscious design

The environmentally conscious design has existed for years, but this year it’s different. It’s no longer a fringe conversation. It’s no longer an “oh that’s nice” detail. It’s not just about designing the same things, but making them “eco-friendly.” Designers are responding to the Read More...

Why we should start building s

Why we should start building skyscrapers using wood

There’s almost no source of carbon emissions that is more overlooked than buildings. Beyond the monstrous amount of energy and resources that go into building skyscrapers out of concrete and steel, it also requires a ton of energy to cool and heat those same buildings. Part of the problem with Read More...

Start-up transforms consumer t

Start-up transforms consumer trash into beautifully designed furniture

Sustainability and aesthetics are two things that don’t usually go hand in hand. That’s not the case for Pentatonic – a start-up that uses innovative thinking to invent new materials using the world’s most abundant and dangerous resource – human trash – without compromising an inch of Read More...

This home was made almost enti

This home was made almost entirely out of repurposed items

Using recycled and repurposed materials to build new things is a fantastic way to take some pressure off the environment as it decreases landfill waste, reduces the need for raw materials, and saves the energy that comes with having to dismantle and re-manufacture products. But on top of that, Read More...

Smart fabric can change temper

Smart fabric can change temperature according to the world around it

Imagine having an item of clothing that cools you in summer and warms you in winter. A sweater that, based on its surrounding environment, regulates its own temperature in response to your personal comfort. Soon that could become reality as scientists at the University of Maryland have created a Read More...

Possibility: Refugees drive af

Possibility: Refugees drive affordable housing innovation in Europe

From The Intelligent Optimist Magazine Fall/Winter 2016 European nations are finding that by working on one problem—sheltering the waves of refugees in ways that help integrate them into their new homes—they also can address other, seemingly intractable problems: Affordable housing for Read More...