Music is a magical thing. There are many proven benefits to the power of music, from its synchronizing power to create bonds with the people around you, to allowing autistic children to communicate their emotions, and even easing menopause. What's going on in our heads when we listen to music is Read More...
Berna Gómez is a former teacher who has been blind for 16 years. She recently regained enough vision to see letters and objects thanks to the successful implantation of a microelectrode array into her visual cortex. Implanting electrodes into the visual cortex has long been a dream of Read More...
In the womb, a baby’s lungs are full of liquid and they receive oxygen through the mother’s placenta. If all goes well, the baby’s body absorbs this liquid during birth and emerges to take their first breath in a process called "lung aeration." Unfortunately, in some cases, complications Read More...