Facing exorbitant tuition fees, almost all students and families in the United States have no other choice than to borrow money and take on an increasing amount of debt that they can’t pay back. Finding ways to make tuition fees across the country more affordable is essential for those seeking to Read More...
According to the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF, six million children (approximately one in four) were not attending school in 2018. To address this, the following year, the Democratic Republic of Congo became one of the last countries in the world to finally introduce free primary Read More...
The Covid-19 crisis put many people at risk. Whether that risk is related to mental or physical health, financial stability, or, for young girls in India, the risk of being forced into marriage and never obtaining a proper education. According to Childline India, there was a 17 percent increase Read More...
Beyond student debts, there’s a massive problem with charging university students up to $65,000 for a year’s worth of college education: by doing so, you exclude talented students from the lower end of the economic spectrum. And while the US is still a long, long distance away from matching the Read More...