Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

The leading role your gut micr

The leading role your gut microbes play in stress resilience

BY THE OPTIMIST DAILY EDITORIAL TEAM The gut microbiome—the rich ecology of bacteria that live within us—emerged as a key focus in the study of mental and neurological disorders. Recent research indicates a strong link between the gut and mental health, shedding light on how our gut Read More...

5 DIY and natural colon cleans

5 DIY and natural colon cleansing methods that really work! 

Within the field of health and wellness, colon cleansing has become a popular fad, frequently promoted as a way to improve gut health and general well-being. But is a natural colon cleanse really necessary, and if so, how can one do one from the comfort of home? Let's examine the nuances of colon Read More...

Shot of beautiful mature woman eating cereals and fruits while standing next to the window at home.

3 expert-approved gut health “rules” you shouldn’t skip

Your gut microbiome contains trillions of bacteria unique to you, making gut health practices extremely personal. What works for one person may not work for another.  "No two guts are the same," says board-certified internist Vincent Pedre, M.D., author of The GutSMART Protocol. "So how can Read More...

Intestine decorative model with various nutritional probiotic supplements.

Probiotics could help in the fight against depression

As we have reported many times here at Optimist Daily, our gut microbiome is extremely influential in how our body operates. We’ve previously reported on the possible role this group of bacteria plays in medical conditions such as anxiety, strokes, and overeating. Now, a new study from the Read More...

Organic natural sesame seeds on a wooden spoon in front of a black background.

5 superfoods to give your mood a boost

It’s as simple as this: when you eat good, you feel good. Keeping your body healthy and disease-free is more than likely to boost your mood. Plus, key nutrients in certain foods can influence levels of serotonin - the happy hormone - and improve circulation, keeping your organs nice and Read More...

Older African American couple walking in the countryside.

Fecal transplants could help prevent age related disorders

With age comes grace and knowledge. We recently wrote an article with a wonderful quote from Betty Friedan: “Aging is not lost youth but a new stage of opportunity and strength.” However, the downside of aging is the range of health issues that come with it. Our evolutionary purpose on this Read More...