Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Finally, a company has come up

Finally, a company has come up with a plastic-free way to shave

Unless you're going for the Mountain Man look, owning a razor is a necessity in modern society. Unfortunately, that often means using a pile of plastic. Even if you've switched from disposable razors to replaceable cartridges (an improvement), there is still excess packaging and plastic blade heads Read More...

A couple finally came up with

A couple finally came up with a sustainable solution to elastic hair ties

People around the world lose hair ties on a daily basis. It happens to the best of us, but the problem is most of these end up in the trash or litter the environment which is why a couple from Canada founded a company by the name of Kooshoo that makes hair ties that are completely biodegradable. Read More...

An iconic music festival just

An iconic music festival just banned plastic water bottles for good

Britain’s Glastonbury Festival is one of the most iconic music festivals in the world, hosting over 200,000 visitors each year. If you’re old enough to remember, acts like The Kinks, Van Morrison and Felt Kuti all the stage of Glastonbury back in the 1970s. And while it’s always been a Read More...

Scotland’s Isle of Arran bec

Scotland’s Isle of Arran becomes first British community to go plastic-free

The Isle of Arran in Scotland attracts over 400,000 visitors a year, and is often referred to as ‘Scotland in miniature’. Now it can also be referred to as Scotland’s first plastic-free community. The island received the Plastic Free Community accreditation from Surfers Against Sewage, an Read More...

This small grocery shop in Bro

This small grocery shop in Brooklyn is entirely plastic-free

A grocery store in Brooklyn is trying to minimize plastic waste by selling its food in bulk containers instead of the conventional packaging made out of plastic. Over time, the owner hopes to encourage customers to always bring their own bags and, eventually, turn the tide on Read More...