Today’s Solutions: May 19, 2024

sustainable business

Winners of the Ode Awards

The finest organic products and the best companies Jurriaan Kamp | December 2004 issue “An organic top 20 is a great initiative. I hope it inspires a lot of readers to pay more attention while doing their shopping.” This was one of the many reader reactions we received to our … [Read more...] about Winners of the Ode Awards

Banking on change

You can't think of any institution more devoted to the status quo than banks. Banks don't reform society; they protect people's money. Yet money is needed for any project that aims to change society. That's why we need a new kind of idealistic bank. And that bank exists in the … [Read more...] about Banking on change

Rain forest management

The efforts by Tachi Kiuchi and Bill ShiremanTijn Touber | November 2004 issue In 1994 the chairmen of Mitsubishi and Global Futures, Tachi Kiuchi and Bill Shireman, visited the rainforest in Borneo. Their aim: to research the economy of nature. They found the rain forest … [Read more...] about Rain forest management