Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

Oxford’s COVID-19 vaccin

Oxford's COVID-19 vaccine succeeds in triggering immune response

The path towards a coronavirus vaccine has been tumultuous, but a new trial from Oxford University is showing the most promise to date in developing an immune response to covid-19. The study of 1,077 people showed that the developed injection produced antibodies and T cells to fight the Read More...

Bill Gates willing to lose bil

Bill Gates willing to lose billions to accelerate COVID-19 vaccine discovery

In a bid to fast-track research into the much-needed coronavirus vaccine, Bill Gates has shifted his philanthropic foundation into high gear by investing billions of dollars in the construction of factories for seven different vaccine candidates. Gates said that even though the foundation would Read More...

Pioneering malaria vaccine to

Pioneering malaria vaccine to roll out in Malawi

Malaria is one of the world’s leading killers, claiming the lives of over 250,000 children in Africa every year. Researchers have been trying for decades to come up with a viable solution to this global health problem, but haven’t made much progress. That is, until recently. This week, the Read More...

The vaccine dilemma

The vaccine dilemma

From time to time you’ll hear that we’ve lost our connection to the foods we eat. That we no longer know what we’re sticking in our mouths; where it comes from, how it grows, and what it took to get a crop from the field to the table. We don’t disagree with those points. In fact we want to Read More...