Today’s Solutions: January 24, 2025

If you look at the list of ingredients on the labels of your household products, chances are most of them have palm oil included on the list. The problem with palm oil is that it leads to mass deforestation in Southeast Asia, devastating areas that once teemed with life. In search of a solution, a pair of Scottish entrepreneurs have come up with a unique way to extract oil from coffee grounds which can be used for a wide range of household products. In the UK alone, more than half a million tons of spent coffee grounds are sent to landfills each year. Turning that waste into an effective alternative for palm oil solves two issues in one. The entrepreneurs have already secured £235,000 in funding from the Zero Waste Scotland agency, and are looking to earn more funding for their coffee-based substitute. By next Summer, the entrepreneurs expect to be creating oil from coffee grounds on a grand scale in Glasgow.

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