Today’s Solutions: February 13, 2025

There’s an old dive bar in Florida where it’s long been a custom for bar-goers to staple a dollar bill onto the walls. Employees tell customers that it’s an old fisherman’s tradition — explaining that the seamen would staple a dollar to the wall to make sure they had money for a drink when they returned from sea.

The dive bar has had this tradition for years, with the walls and the ceiling being entirely covered with dollar bills (that doesn’t sound very sanitary). But ever since Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas, the bar’s staff has been carefully peeling the money from the walls to donate to aid relief in the Bahamas.

One month later and an entire month of peeling later, a total of $13,961 has been pulled off the walls—all of which will be donated to the Red Cross for Hurricane Dorian relief. Very cool!

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