Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

What does a Major League Baseball organist do during a pandemic? While baseball is shut down, Fenway Park’s Josh Kantor is keeping spirits up with live-streamed concerts from his home.

Although not as glamorous as playing for a stadium of over 30,000 people, he told the New York Times, “For us, it’s our group therapy. We know we’re going to spend time together, we’re going to make something fun, and we’re going to interact with people.”

Kantor took up playing from home on March 26th, what would have been baseball’s opening day, and had planned to make it a one-time event. However, after an impressive turnout, and high volumes of positive feedback and requests, he decided to continue with a daily Livestream. 

Viewers can tune into his show at 3 pm EST every day and 4 pm on Sundays for music, birthday shoutouts, and even baseball card features. Kantor, who’s wife, Rev. Mary Jane Eaton, works with local homeless populations, also urges viewers to donate to local food banks to help those in need. 

Fenway Park is the oldest park in the MLB, but Kantor is finding brand new ways to lift fans’ spirits during tough times.

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