Today’s Solutions: February 19, 2025

If you’re looking for an easy way to make a dent in the plastic pollution crisis, the nonprofit Free the Ocean now has an option for you: a daily ocean-related trivia that removes one piece of plastic from the ocean with every question that’s answered.

Funded by advertisers who have placed advertisements on their website, the nonprofit offers a fun and educational way to help be part of the solution to the plastic waste problem. Anyone can sign up for free and track their impact as they play.

It couldn’t be any simpler: every time someone clicks the answer to the daily trivia question, one piece of plastic is removed from the marine environment. One piece of litter may not sound like much, but it really adds up. So far, Free the Ocean has helped remove over 12 million pieces of plastic litter from the environment.

Not only does it provide individuals with an easy way to make an impact, but it also does so in an education-focused way. By playing the trivia game, people learn more about the ocean, marine life, and the many ways they can contribute towards protecting it.

Would you like to contribute? Go to to answer today’s trivia. You can also sign up for daily reminders so you can make our environment cleaner every day!

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