Today’s Solutions: July 26, 2024

Last week, the European Parliament made its stance on animal welfare clear by calling for a ban on caged animal farming, after voting overwhelmingly in favor to end the practice. The non-binding resolution hopes to change animal agriculture and reinvent the food supply chain across Europe by removing cages.

According to The Parliament Magazine, the Parliament vote — passed by an overwhelming majority voting in favor of the ban, with 558 members in favor to 37 votes against — sought to implement a ban on caged farming across the European Union. The vote followed a European Citizens’ Initiative that started three years ago, and which gathered 1.4 million signatures in at least 18 member states in support of animal welfare.

Olga Kikou, Head of Compassion in World Farming EU and one of the citizens leading the ‘End the Cage Age’ petition told Euronews that some animals never leave their cages during their lifetime: “We have estimated, and this is a very conservative number, that over 300 million animals, farmed animals, spend most of their life or their entire life in cages in Europe, every year.”

Following the committee’s debate regarding the ‘End the Cage Age’ petition, the parliament decided in favor of the ban that aims to completely dismantle caged animal farming by 2027.

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