Today’s Solutions: January 20, 2025

Over the last decade, the city of Pune, India, has experienced significant urban growth with worsening air quality as a result. Now, architecture studio Nudes is working to tackle this problem. The firm recently won a competition to build an eco-friendly school in the city.

The company’s winning entry is called Forest School and features a vertical garden that filters pollutants and chemicals out of the air and turns CO2 into oxygen. The cherry on the top, however, is a rooftop “infinity” cycling track, where students will be able to exercise.

“The design explores the relationship between nature and pedagogy in dense urban settlements built on the foundations of “Grow,” “Learn,” “Reuse,” “Plant,” and “Play,” according to Nudes.

As reported by Interesting Engineering, the school’s basement level will also host tennis courts and a pool. The students will be responsible for taking care of some of the plants on the ground level and in the courtyard. Professional gardeners will then relocate these to higher levels once they are healthy enough to survive.

The school, which will teach children from an early age, will provide students with a hands-on learning curriculum about the problem of climate change and the importance of protecting the environment.

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