Today’s Solutions: April 28, 2024

Many of us put “read more” on our resolutions each year, and many of us find ourselves most of the way through the year with no more books under our belts than we started with. So, how can you improve your reading habits in the digital age? The trick is to start small and build up. 

This “bite-size” reading technique involves finding short content, such as essays, short novels, or articles. to load onto a reading app or stash in your purse. In your spare time, rather than opening social media, fit in a few pages here and there. Reading apps and devices such as Kindles make it incredibly easy to work this into your busy schedule.

Starting with shorter content will help you maintain interest, as you can finish a piece in a few reading sessions, and it will train you to build up to longer novels. As with developing any new habit, the key is to start small and stay consistent. Commit to reading one article or a few chapters a day, and you will be polishing off novels in no time!

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