Today’s Solutions: April 29, 2024

Whenever we receive a package or buy a new product, we’re so used to opening up the packaging and tossing it right away into the trash. But what if you could actually use the packaging for an entirely different purpose?

That’s the idea being pushed forward by a company called Educational Insights, which is packaging a new toy rocket ship in a cardboard box that transforms into something kids can play with. When kids open up the box for the rocket, it unfolds to reveal a scene from a control center, launch tower, and moon landing. A toy recycling truck comes in a box that turns into a recycling center.

The idea was an extension of the company’s approach to its toys, which it also designs for longevity. While most toy companies create products that depend on trends that are intended to “flash and burn in the market”, this company’s focus is on products that will last for years.

Some mass toy manufacturers are moving away from plastic packaging, including Hasbro, which plans to phase out plastic boxes by 2022. But by making the packaging reusable, Educational Insights is taking it one step farther. 

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