Today’s Solutions: May 06, 2024


How an ancient building materi

How an ancient building material could help slash energy costs in Europe

Many centuries ago, ancient civilizations would produce homes using cob—a mixture of clay-based subsoil with sand, straw, and water. Cob is absolutely a sustainable option for building, but one that doesn’t meet the contemporary standards of architecture. To bring cob up to date, British and Read More...

These shoes are biodegradable

These shoes are biodegradable and made out of recycled materials

An estimated 23 billion pairs of shoes are produced annually, most of which will end up in landfills at the end of their lifetime. And because they’re mainly made out of plastic, they’re here to stay for centuries. But a few companies have already demonstrated that it doesn’t necessarily have Read More...

This futuristic energy-produci

This futuristic energy-producing house was primarily built by robots

If you want to take a peek into what the future of home design holds for us, you should have a look at this newly completed house in Dübendorf, Switzerland. Once inside, you’ll be whisked away to a world of science fiction. From the swirling grooves on the 3D printed ceiling panels to the Read More...

Adding more color to your home

Adding more color to your home can bring powerful changes to your mood

When you walk through your home, what are the main colors you see? Is it a blend of more monotonous colors such as beige, grey, and white—or is it an extravaganza of colorful flare? As it turns out, the colors that make up the interior design of your home matter. In fact, research shows that Read More...

Designer creates sustainable a

Designer creates sustainable algae-based alternative for plastic packaging

Packaging is fundamental when it comes to protecting our products, ensuring our high standards of quality, and avoiding food waste. But, as we all know by now, it also comes at a great cost to the environment as most food packaging is only used once. If we want to be able to have packaging that can Read More...

Start-up transforms consumer t

Start-up transforms consumer trash into beautifully designed furniture

Sustainability and aesthetics are two things that don’t usually go hand in hand. That’s not the case for Pentatonic – a start-up that uses innovative thinking to invent new materials using the world’s most abundant and dangerous resource – human trash – without compromising an inch of Read More...

How lab-grown spider silk coul

How lab-grown spider silk could replace everyday materials like polyester

Spider silk is one of nature’s most amazing materials. It’s stronger than steel and more elastic than a rubber band and has dozens of potential applications from construction to medicine. For years, scientists have been trying to tap into the power of spider silk, but have struggled to produce Read More...

This home was made almost enti

This home was made almost entirely out of repurposed items

Using recycled and repurposed materials to build new things is a fantastic way to take some pressure off the environment as it decreases landfill waste, reduces the need for raw materials, and saves the energy that comes with having to dismantle and re-manufacture products. But on top of that, Read More...

Cities are turning alleys into

Cities are turning alleys into green spaces to help people reconnect with nature

From Montreal to Portland, cities across North America are starting to rethink all that cement that’s used to pave the streets. Alleys and alley sides, in particular, are being effectively imagined as people-friendly pathways, parks, and lushly planted urban habitats that stand in stark contrast Read More...

A German auto supplier has com

A German auto supplier has come up with airbags that inflate on the outside

You know those ugly balloons that pop out of surprising places when a car gets into a crash? What are they called again? Airbags? Well, a German auto supplier has developed airbags that, in the event of a serious collision, would inflate not on the interior of your vehicle, but on the exterior to Read More...