Today’s Solutions: May 18, 2024


Great minds lead to great solutions. Our education section features solutions and innovations directed at strengthening educational systems around the world.

You have to see the brilliant

You have to see the brilliant symmetry of a bald eagle flying over a pond

You can be a wildlife photographer you’re entire life, and you probably won’t capture a photo as amazing as the one amateur photographer Steve Brio recently did. Sitting by a pond in Ontario, Canada, Mr. Biro spotted a bald eagle flying about. Or rather, the bald eagle spotted Read More...

The parents of dyslexic childr

The parents of dyslexic children are transforming the way schools teach reading

The reading proficiency of kids in America is shockingly low. Apparently, less than 40 percent of fourth and eighth-grade students nationwide are proficient readers—and the blame lies on flawed methods of teaching reading in our education systems where kids are taught simply the letters and the Read More...

This famous DJ is using her pl

This famous DJ is using her platform to bring the climate crisis home to fans

Not everyone will listen to science, but many people will listen to the words of famous musicians and artists. That’s why it’s great news when artists use their platforms to inform the public about pressing issues such as the climate crisis. The latest one to do so is Jayda G, a Canadian DJ Read More...

Must see: Billionaire stuns gr

Must see: Billionaire stuns grads by promising to pay off their student loans

Student debt in America is no joke. As of now, there are more than 44 million borrowers who collectively owe a mind-boggling $1.5 trillion in student loan debt in the U.S. alone. Fortunately for the 396 college seniors that make up the graduating class of Morehouse College, they won’t have to Read More...

Meet the 96-year-old who saved

Meet the 96-year-old who saved his village in Taiwan with a paintbrush

If you heard that the town where you have lived your entire life was going to be demolished, what would you do? For Huang Yung-fu, a former soldier from Taiwan, the answer was pick up a brush and paint. For the past 10 years, Yung-fu has been waking up at 4:00 in the morning and decorating the Read More...

We are the ones we've been waiting for

Youth Paving the Way

photo credit: Shutterstock By Optimist Daily Editorial Team Youth activism is proving a promising channel for authentic, positive change in our world today. Anthony J. Nocella II, the National Coordinator for the Save the Kids Foundation has worked with young people for years and is an expert Read More...

This great-grandmother just ea

This great-grandmother just earned her college degree at the age of 93

It’s never too late to learn something new! If you don’t believe us, then you have to read this story about Joyce Lowenstein, an unlikely graduate of Georgia State University. Lowenstein's pursuit of a degree began in 1943, but it was interrupted for nearly 70 years after becoming a mother, Read More...

To get adults to care about cl

To get adults to care about climate change, teach their kids about it

How do you get adults to become more invested in solving climate change? According to a new study, one of the best ways is to educate their kids about climate change. The study, which was published earlier this week, followed 238 families in North Carolina over two years. The researchers from Read More...

A positive from the protests i

A positive from the protests in Sudan? Beautiful new murals across the capitol

Sudanese artist Rashid Drar used to work from home. Now the 44-year-old’s canvas is any empty piece of wall he can find nearby a month-long sit-in outside the Defense Ministry in Sudan’s capital, Khartoum. Rashid is one of the many protesters who have embraced art as a form of revolutionary Read More...

An Ode to the Marvelous Mushro

An Ode to the Marvelous Mushroom

By Amelia Buckley August 14th marked the first day of the sold-out 39th annual Telluride Mushroom Festival in Aspen, Colorado, which sold more tickets this year than ever. Mushrooms gained a reputation in the 1970s as a vehicle for psychedelic exploration, but these fungi friends are not just Read More...