Today’s Solutions: May 17, 2024

Climate Action

What is Climate Action? Climate Action is humanity's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance our planet's resilience against climate change. From adaptation to mitigation, at The Optimist Daily you will learn about the most recent positive news stories and solutions targeting climate change and other environmental issues.

The EU makes historic decision

The EU makes historic decision to stop plastic waste exports to poor countries

The European Union took an important step toward reducing plastic pollution by agreeing to stop exporting waste plastic to non-OECD countries. This landmark decision, which is still awaiting formal approval, demonstrates a commitment to responsible trash management and environmental Read More...

Dominica takes a bold step to

Dominica takes a bold step to protect sperm whales and the environment

In a monumental move for marine conservation, the Caribbean gem, Dominica, is set to establish the world's inaugural marine protected area dedicated to safeguarding the endangered sperm whale. This reserve, which covers approximately 300 square miles of the island's western waterways, is a huge Read More...

Ways to make your Thanksgiving

Ways to make your Thanksgiving celebration more eco-friendly this year

Thanksgiving, a time of thanks and feasting, frequently has an unanticipated environmental cost. From extra food waste to increased carbon emissions, the holiday season may have a significant impact on our planet. However, choosing eco-friendly options does not imply foregoing the joy of Read More...

Meet Filkin’s Drift, the

Meet Filkin's Drift, the band walking 870 Miles to promote environmentally friendly touring

In a world where music has no boundaries, the environmental impact of touring has frequently taken a back seat. But now, two musicians from Birmingham, UK, are upending the music industry by embarking on an 870-mile eco-tour along Wales' gorgeous coast. Meet Seth Bye and Chris Roberts, the Read More...

Kenya introduces a national t

Kenya introduces a national tree-planting day to combat climate change

In a surprising but welcome move, Kenya's government proclaimed today—Monday, 13 November 2023—a special public holiday to commemorate a national tree-planting day. Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki stressed the importance of this initiative in the battle against climate change in an official Read More...

From fairways to green sanctua

From fairways to green sanctuaries: the effort to rewild abandoned golf courses

Golf courses, previously expansive leisure and precision settings, are undergoing a stunning metamorphosis. The once-dominant verdant fairways and manicured greens are now giving way to vibrant ecosystems. Abandoned golf courses are being reclaimed by nature, breathing new life into spaces that Read More...

Art preserves endangered flora

Art preserves endangered flora in Himalayas—where conservation and culture collide

"In 2002, I was returning to Kalimpong in the eastern Himalaya region of India, and I found numerous trees had been cut down for a dam on the Teesta River at Kalijhora," recalls Hemlata Pradhan, an artist who had just completed her Master's in natural history illustration in London. This shocking Read More...

Rainforest nations join forces

Rainforest nations join forces to protect biodiversity

Late last month, major rainforest nations gathered in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, to address the rising problem of deforestation and safeguard the invaluable biodiversity found in tropical rainforests. These regions, which include the Congo, Amazon, and Asia-Pacific basins, are home to Read More...

Project Green Light by Google:

Project Green Light by Google: transforming urban traffic for a cleaner commute

Google's Maps app tapped into a rich mine of everyday traffic data, which holds the key to changing urban mobility. This information, gathered from a wide network of Android devices and in-car navigation systems, offers cities a game-changing possibility to optimize traffic signal timings. Google's Read More...

Pope Francis calls on internat

Pope Francis calls on international community to speed up renewable energy transition

Pope Francis, in a 7,000-word "Apostolic Exhortation," called on climate change deniers and hesitant politicians to expedite the world's transition to renewable energy. His speech, "Laudate Deum" (Praise God), emphasizes the importance of combating climate change before it's too late. Recognizing Read More...