Today’s Solutions: May 04, 2024

Sustainable Urban Development

With cities expected to host about 70 percent of the world's population, sustainable urban development is key to making communities worldwide more resilient against the growing threat of climate change. Find out about the latest urban practices from across the world aiming to make our cities more sustainable and inclusive in these good-news stories from The Optimist Daily.

America now has a stretch of h

America now has a stretch of highway paved with recycled plastic

A newly repaved stretch of highway in Oroville, California, looks like an ordinary road. But it’s the first highway in the country to be paved in part with recycled plastic—the equivalent of roughly 150,000 plastic bottles per mile of the three-lane road. The change in materials makes the Read More...

Trinity College to transform c

Trinity College to transform campus lawn into native wildflower garden

We recently shared a very popular article about replacing tradition lawns with a clover alternative. Trinity College Dublin is taking a page out of the alternative grass handbook and opting to turn their college green into a native flower garden to promote pollinator health and boost Read More...

Dutch city is preparing for cl

Dutch city is preparing for climate change by replacing roads with trees

When it comes to sustainable urban development, there are a few things cities around the world can learn from the Netherlands. Take, for example, the Dutch city of Arnhem, which has recently undertaken the ambitious endeavor of greening up the city by replacing roads that are rarely used by its Read More...

Future of food: The world’s

Future of food: The world’s biggest rooftop urban farm is now bearing fruit

In the summer of 2019, we published a story about a rooftop urban farm being constructed in Paris that was set to be the biggest in the world. Now, nearly a year later, the world’s largest urban rooftop farm has started to bear fruit. Strawberries, to be precise: small, intensely flavored and Read More...

The case for relocating small

The case for relocating small businesses back to residential areas

If you walk around some 1920s-era neighborhoods, it’s not unusual to see a tiny grocery store inhabiting the street corner. This used to be normal in residential areas, but as cars became more widespread, businesses relocated to more centrally-located commercial centers such as malls. The Read More...

This is how trees make urban a

This is how trees make urban areas cooler

You might consider urban areas to be the epitome of cool, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, buildings, cars, pollution, and lack of soil, all contribute to an urban heat island effect, making cities considerably warmer than surrounding rural areas. Luckily, there is a Read More...

Mayors want guaranteed income

Mayors want guaranteed income programs to help us recover from Covid-19

In early 2019, we published a story about Stockton mayor Michael Tubbs, who implemented a guaranteed income program in his city to help residents meet their basic needs. We have been closely following the program ever since, with the preliminary results from October showing that the 125 recipients Read More...

New device makes city living a

New device makes city living a whole lot quieter

If you live in an urban area, car horns, sirens, and jackhammers are just some of the daily noises that float into your home, but a new window-mounted device could create peacefully quiet city apartments. This solution was shared with us by an Optimist Daily reader and could finally bring some Read More...

Lisbon to turn short-term rent

Lisbon to turn short-term rentals into affordable housing for key workers

Over the last couple of years, tourism in Lisbon has surged dramatically, leading to strong demand for Airbnb-style short-term rentals, which in turn has helped push prices up and local residents out. But, similarly to many other tourist hotspots around the world, the lockdown has drained the Read More...

The Optimist View: Renting is

The Optimist View: Renting is rewarding with Rhove

“There’s no problem that I think is worth solving more than this one at this moment in our country and the concept is really that every renter should be an owner and it should be as easy as the click of a button.” - Calvin Cooper 20 years ago, buying a first home was a benchmark moment for Read More...