Today’s Solutions: May 04, 2024

Mental Health

Here you can read the latest news and research studies covering mental health. This is also the place to find out about different strategies on how you can reduce stress and boost happiness, and many other ways to look after your mental wellbeing.

Happy family daughter hugs dad who holds her high in the air

A Death Doula reveals the most common regrets so we might learn from them 

Death—our inevitable destiny—is unavoidable, no matter how hard we try to evade it. However, ensuring that we reach the end with minimal regrets (or better yet, none at all) is something that we can do something about. Maryanne O’Hara, an end-of-life doula and the author of Little Matches: Read More...

Farmer planting young seedlings of lettuce salad in the vegetable garden

7 money-saving tips for new gardeners

It’s finally happened—after reading countless articles about the benefits (for both yourself and the planet) of growing your own food and spending time in nature, you’ve decided to give gardening a go. But you’ve heard from others that creating a new garden can be quite costly, and you’d Read More...

Yoga stretches big toe pull stretch exercises woman doing hamstring stretching at home on fitness mat training stretching legs touching toes.

Benefits of working out in the nude

We've written before about how spending time naked can improve your body image, and it’s well known that regular exercise also improves self-esteem and how you view your body (among other benefits). So why not combine the two for even better results? Working out in your birthday suit has a Read More...


This 30-minute training can help teenagers’ response to stress

Many successful people live by the expression “in every tragedy, there is an opportunity.” It turns out that the same kind of thinking can apply to the smallest of moments and to the youngest of people.  A new 30-minute online training session can reduce teenagers’ stress by teaching them Read More...


Some companies are now offering “pawternity” leave for pet owners

While it’s not something considered in job benefits, taking care of one’s pets does take time. Checkups with the vet and necessary treatment can necessitate pet owners to miss a couple of days of work to care for their furry loved ones.  In recognition of this responsibility, more companies Read More...


New study shows gardening alleviates depression and anxiety

In a new study from the University of Florida, researchers proved that gardening can improve the mental well-being of even healthy people.  “Past studies have shown that gardening can help improve the mental health of people who have existing medical conditions or challenges. Our study shows Read More...

woman holding iPhone with TikTok app logo on the screen.

TikTok users offer haven to those seeking out-of-state abortions

Now that the Supreme Court has decided to overturn Roe v Wade, many pregnant people will be forced to travel far and wide to access proper healthcare. This does not only include individuals who reside in states that choose to restrict or ban abortion but to those who live in states that maintain a Read More...

alzheimer's disease on MRI

Scientists find out how Alzheimer's affects blood vessels, a breakthrough discovery

Alzheimer’s is one of the diseases that we haven’t quite figured out yet. So far, there aren’t any reliable treatment methods for people who develop it, but scientists are working on preventative measures we can take to stop the condition from taking hold in the first place. What is Read More...

Focused nerdy smart student in glasses and headphones working hard on research study project in library

The benefits of "deep work" and how you can practice it

In today’s busy world, it can be difficult to decide which of the things on your to-do list (which somehow all feel urgent) to get done first. This leads many of us to try to do more than one thing at a time, which tends to result in feeling overwhelmed, scattered, and burnt out. If you can Read More...


This program seeks to end homelessness and incarceration

We decided to dust off this important solution from not long ago.  Several factors can lead to homelessness: a lack of affordable housing, high costs of living, and even, sadly, mental illness. Another factor that contributes to homelessness, which is often overlooked, is Read More...